Chapter 4

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Errors POV

I wake up and look around my sorrounding's,my eyes widened as I remember what happened, 'I'm...alive...?,but I thought I...jumped...?' I stood up and checked the code of the univer-MULTIVERSE!?
wait wait wait, I grab my glasses and put them on checking if I read that right,'Naj multiverse?' apparently monsters don't have magic here and our teachers and students? there's already an error here so...i guess I can't name myself that?, if so than what should my name be? hmmm...Error,Err..Erra...Erratum?, same meaning so...i guess? I need to get an apartment first though

After Getting An Apartment, and buying things

Erratum's POV

'Huh,this fine I guess' *DING* I get startled and turn around to my door, '?' I open it and see a lady atleast 40-50 age "Hello there dearie!" she said, "uh hi..." "I'm the neighbor next door and I wanted to greet you with some cookies!" cookies?I think the gang told me about that once or maybe twice? "May I come in?" "oh sure" I moved aside for her to enter
"wow! did you move here just today?"
"mhm" "you must be fast to unpack then"

time skip

Erratums POV

I was crocheting(?) while listening to Gina or Granny G "dearie do you know how to knit?" I heard her ask
"yes I do but I prefer to crochet more than to knit" I answered her "well do you have a job?" she questioned once more "No but im gonna try and find one" I answered not sure who would accept me for a job "well I think I know a perfect job for you!" she said with excitement, I perked up when she said that "You do?" I asked while looking at her, "mhm!" she said.

In the OG multiverse

No one's POV

"I'm tellin ya broskie it-" fresh was cut off staring at the bad sanses surprised
"what the fu*nk* happened here...?"
geno said with confusion "reaper..." fresh whispered, geno and reaper looked at him "teleport us and the group out of here and to the mansion...Now..." fresh said pissed  without his lingo, both of the skeletons spine shivered, reaper did as said not wanting to piss fresh off more.

sorry for the long wait D:
also I might post another chapter right after this one for plot reasons.

New Destiny (Erratum)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ