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"We found love in a hopeless place"

Skai's POV

"He shouldn't have done this to me!
Is this what i mean to him?
Does he think that i am just a toy that he can play with?
What does he want me to do now?"

These are all questions that Skai asked herself as she lay in her unmade bed, crying bitterly.

"Maybe he is leaving me because of my fat thighs", is the first thing she thought of as her hands slowly made their way down to her thick legs.
She absentmindedly bit her lip to hard, a habit she developed whenever she was nervous.
How dumb she was to have thought of forever. Hadn't all those single mothers told her not to fall too deep in love.
"He is probably enjoying himself right now, he must feel relieved, i bet i was the worst girlfriend to him", is yet another thought that crossed her mind as she tried to find reasons as to why her Knight in Shining Amour had left her.
She reached for her phone, thinking of sending him an audio of her crying. She knew he hated it when she cried and would probably get back with her, but again, he could have been pretending to love her.
She gave him everything anyway, a feeling of shame and disgust found its way up to her mind as she thought of how she opened up to him, literally. Why then was he leaving her?
Wasn't he the very one who said that she was his everything, his own precious gem? What was he doing now? Was this all about the stupid culture conversation they had?

Skai scrunched up her legs only to cry more and only think of her horrible life now. "I'll move on right?", is the last thing she thought of as she departed to the land of sleep.

Kyle's POV

"I just had to.
I love her so much, she knows right?
Maybe i should call her, what if she tries to commit suicide again?"

Kyle bends down to get his phone but then changes his mind. He should let go of her. He knows that she would never change her culture just to be with him. She might love him but that does not mean that she is going to leave her ways behind only to do what Kyle wants. He always wanted to avoid that conversation with her because he knew they would never agree.

Kyle got down on his knees, he knew that praying to whoever was up there would definitely help him have the solution. He remembered how he used to ask his girl to learn about his culture but she was too stubborn and would not be moved. "She doesnt know how important my culture is to me"

No, why was he thinking of her?
"She is just another human anyway", thought Kyle. I'll find another girl. I need to stop thinking about her and move on, if she really loves me, she'll come to me and choose to follow what i do "

He lay in his bed, absent mindedly hugging his pillow, he was used to her body against his now." I love her, but she wont listen",is what Kyle repeated in his mind hoping to forget about his sweetheart. "This isnt high school anyway, im getting ready for a future, i need the right woman beside me"

First post, tell me how it is guys and please give me suggestions on characters i should add to this story, along with ideas and thoughts on what is going on right now.... Love you all.

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