Chapter Eight ~ "Goodbye, Anna."

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The Trys royal family were invited to the ball but they did not turn up[Eliyn said she didn’t want them too, inviting them was just being polite, not causing another reason for them to fight], but many other high people from other fairy kingdoms came. They welcomed me with opened arms, even though I knew they hated the fact I was half-human.

The night came with a lot of entertainment, Eliyn introducing me to princes from other kingdoms who might be my suitors. Dancing, a lot of dancing, fairies showing off their powers and the palace was alive.

I noticed my mom never once put her wings away, whilst everyone else did. It was probably to remind them she was queen of Myllic, which Miranda told me was the largest fairy kingdom.

I also found out Miranda was my cousin, but her mom had died in the war so Eliyn took care of her like a mother. She was the one who’d get the throne if I happened to die.

…So I wasn’t the only heir?

Ha. I knew Leo had lied.

According to him, Myllic went into havoc because there wasn’t an heir to the throne, but Miranda had been there all along, why hadn’t they seen her before?

“Welcome home, princess.” A woman who looked very snake-like greeted me while I was chatting to Miranda near the edge of the hall. She kind of reminded me of Hope from home. She stood dominantly and by her superiority I could tell she thought of herself as amazing. She had Hope written all over her, they were like twins… just un-identical and had a very big age gap.

“Thank you,” I smiled, grateful for all the welcoming I’d got. Miranda went silent, like she was afraid of these people. Nearly everyone turned to look at the woman greeting me.

My mother was the other side of the hall and was making her way, with a strict face, over to us.

“I would like you to meet my son,” She said, the way she made her s’s made it sound like she was really a snake. I nearly choked on nothing when Leo emerged from the crowd behind the woman. He avoided eye contact with me as the woman introduced herself as I’d already guessed, the queen of Trys.

“You have no right being here,” Eliyn stormed to my side.

“Why, Eliyn dear, you invited me.” She snickered, not tearing her eyes away from me. They were green and from what Miranda had explained about powers she looked as if she had power of the earth and reptiles.

“The invitation was being polite. You were never meant to accept it.” My mother said as if it was obvious. The snake woman looked a bit taken back but she didn’t seem too insulted.  The two women seemed to completely hate each other, and they weren’t holding it back.

“We just wanted to see this so called princess. Apparently she’s meant to be powerful. More powerful than my son, but now I’ve seen her…” She laughed bitterly. I pursed my lips; no wonder my mother hated this woman.  

“She has yet to start training.” My mom stated.

“Well, we would hate to ruin your night, princess, but we must be off now.” The lady said. She called me princess while she didn’t call my mom the queen. It seemed a bit weird.

I nodded.

I turned to Leo to see him staring at me. He didn’t bother to look away or pretend he wasn’t staring when he looked at me. Staring back, emotionlessly, this was it.

We were on opposite sides of the fight. Only one of us would win, unless I got enough power to stop each side from fighting. Leo had only been saving my life before to drag me back to Trys. Of course now I was at Myllic there was no need to be kind to me any longer.

Leo opened his mouth to reply to my thoughts but when he realised everyone was watching, including his mom, he shut his mouth. I’d forgotten my thoughts were basically being broadcast to everyone in the room.

Good thing I hadn’t thought anything too offensive already. Oh god, I wasn’t adapting to this fairy thing very well. I was meant to be some powerful princess and at the moment all I was showing was helpless human.

“Goodbye, Anna.” Leo said, his voice as soft as ever. It ripped me away from my thoughts [which everyone could see]. Before he turned to leave I could see the corner of his mouth raise. Everyone in the room looked confused and shocked at why he’d called me Anna. They all knew me as Vi. His mother seemed to be horrified. She hurried after him; I bet he’d be in for a telling off.

The room took at least 15 minutes to return back to normal, but after it did everyone was fine. It was like nothing had happened. Fairies obviously moved on quick. Must be something to do with their cold hearts.

I wasn’t sure if calling me Anna was to tease me, maybe look down on me because I was half-human or maybe it was to state that he feelings haven’t changed even though we’re not on earth anymore.

Feeling ridiculous and desperate I pushed the thoughts out of my head. 

Although everyone carried as nothing had happened I was on edge the rest of the night. Something didn’t seem right. I knew something was off.

“Stop worrying. Everything’s fine, Vi.” Miranda said, everyone here called me Vi, the only people so far to call me Anna here were Leo and occasionally my mom.

Everyone started to slowly leave as the clock ticked closer to midnight. But before the part officially ended Eliyn sent me to my room to sleep. Princess’s needed beauty sleep.

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