Chapter 119

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Aunt Chen said that Qiu Li's character was already tough. Nuonuo's resistance sometimes led to even worse consequences. It would be better to spoil him.

She remembered how happy Qiu Li was after she tied his tie that morning, and she asked him to tip her and he gave her black card.

She had never had a relationship with a mature man.

But in order not to do that kind of thing with him, she had to be open to everything.

One second before he checked, Nuonuo was in a hurry, and she hadn't thought about what to say or do yet. The man lowered his eyes, and she was forced to lean against the cold wall. Nuonuo couldn't move and her legs were arrested.

Nuonuo kissed him gently on his side.

On a summer night in June, there were soft insects outside the villa. The breeze was gentle and the sky was full of stars.

His movements paused and his eyes fell back to her face.

For a moment, Qiu Li thought that he was hallucinating the soft touch on his face.

But when he saw her cheeks red, Qiu Li knew he wasn't hallucinating.

Nuonuo saw that he temporarily stopped, and after a moment of joy in his heart, she was infinitely sad.

What kind of person was Qiu Li? Greedy, he never let her go.

She gritted her teeth in her heart and kissed again. This time the kiss was on the corner of his lips, and Nuonuo backed away. She felt terrible and too shameful, and she had to think about how to speak out.

But Qiu Li smiled, he smiled very softly.

Nuonuo rarely saw him with infinite starlight in his eyes.

The last time he took her out of Wei Yong's hotel, he gently wiped her tears.

Nuonuo even had a strange feeling, as if she had always been so obedient.

She took the initiative to approach him for the first time.

Yet the ultimate goal was still to go farther away from him.

Nuonuo's voice was soft. If she wanted to really make someone spoil her, their heart would have to melt. Her forehead rested on his chest and she heard his crazy heartbeat. Nuonuo's voice was soft, "Qiu Li, I'm really hurt, my hands hurt."

He was dazzled for a moment. His body was crisp and numb.

He admitted that he was done for.

Although Nuonuo might be lying, he couldn't resist the feeling of being sore. He had to admit that he was bewitched.

Qiu Li held her shoulder and let her turn around.

He glanced down, and her thin white wrists were struck with red marks.

Her skin was fragile and Qiu Li knew that such a red mark that wasn't a wound on ordinary people could stay on her for a day or two.

Qiu Li felt a little bit distressed. Then he thought of Nuonuo scolding him before, and then this delicate and cute appearance. He immediately understood her purpose.

Untie her first, and then? Let her get out?

He slowed down and loosened his tie so that she wouldn't be uncomfortable.

But it was still impossible to break free.

Nuonuo scolded him ten thousand times in her heart.

But no matter how she scolded, he was the boss at this time.

He was rich and powerful, and there were many underlings outside. Give her a pair of wings that couldn't make other people's helicopters fly.

If Qiu Li really ruthlessly wanted to sleep with her, she couldn't run tonight.

She remembered that Qiu Li said he liked her. She hit him with a wine bottle, and he didn't kill her.

This night must be the most shameful night of his life.

Even if he was such a shameless person, if he still had a face, he would let her go.

She must be alive, tenaciously alive for a day, and sooner or later she could kill this male lead.

If she was destined not to return home, then she would find a way to kill the man and give her an extra backing.

Her white, slender legs were still chilly, and his hand held her slender waist.

Nuonuo stepped on his feet and wanted to kiss his lips.

But remembering the last time the pervert tried to feed her his slobber, Nuonuo looked away. She still didn't have such a strong mentality. She couldn't do it.

Nuonuo looked down. If Qiu Li didn't bow his head, she wasn't tall enough to look in his eyes.

Her hands were also tied up. Nuonuo looked up at him, "Qiu Li, I don't want to be like this. I would be afraid."

She was coquettish and stood on tiptoe to bite his chin. Her height was not enough. Qiu Li wasn't pleased by her, and he didn't bow his head to cooperate. Nuonuo gave up and could only retreat.

She wanted to kill him.

No more biting and bleeding, but tolerate and endure.

His hand held her waist tightly, but he didn't move.

He enjoyed her closeness.

Nuonuo had become a blowfish in his heart.

He chuckled softly. His chest was trembling slightly. He looked at her. Her cheeks were dyed pink and her white and small earlobe became pale. Her eyes were moist and her tears couldn't fall.

She looked wronged and cowardly.

He lowered his eyes and looked at her bare feet.

She had worn a pair of off-white sandals, but she had just lost one on the way from her bedroom because she was struggling.

So one foot had a shoe. The other foot stepped naked on the ground.

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