Chaper 6: All aboard the Piggypimples Express!

Start from the beginning

Hecate has at first thought of keeping them in the same year as the boy-who-lived, who already seemed like a key component of Magical Britain and would certainly be a main figure in the possible future war. But it was later decided that it would be much easier to find out more information on both sides if they were spread out over years among the houses.

They had all then discussed who should enter what year, regardless of age, Hecate revealed a few others in different years that were close to Harry Potter or had already shown that they were involved in something that could prove to be vital in the coming war.

It was then decided that they were to be spread amongst the fourth, fifth, and seventh years. Nico, Hazel, Leo, and Lou Ellen were to be put in with the fourth year. Jason, Piper, Connor, Clovis, Will, Katie, and Thalia were going with the fifth year. Lastly, Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, Travis, Butch, Rachel, and Clarisse are in the seventh year.

"You'd be on the train for the majority of the first day, the rain wouldn't make a difference." The Head of the Wyvern family spoke up as she began sorting out what seemed like lunch boxes in the side. "Any preference for your food to take with you on the train?" She asked, gathering ingredients to make an assortment of sandwiches.

"Blue cookies!" Percy shot out.

"Don't tell me you already ate them all." Hazel frowns at Percy who smiled sheepishly at her, a hand lifted to scratch the back of his head.

"I think some cake sounds nice." Katie supplied, finishing off her plate of pancakes.

"Can I have a BLT sandwich?" The son of Iris asked, the older woman hummed and nodded her head.

"Hey, how long is the train ride? You said that it will take most of the day." Leo looked up from the metal that he was fiddling with.

"About eight hours."

"EIGHT HOURS! NO WAY CAN I KEEP THAT STILL!" Leo shouted and began to panic.

"Hogwarts has provided you with your own carriage on the train, I'm sure that there will be enough room for you all to distract yourselves." The Head of the house began to start cutting the sandwiches into neat triangles waving her wand to start assembling the next set of ingredients. "Any allergies or dietary requirements?"

"I'm vegetarian," Piper spoke through the rest of her salad.

"I uh am lactose intolerant." Frank shyly raised his hand, Kyndall nodded her head and flicked her wand to the fridge where a few new ingredients flew from the fridge.

"Why don't you all finish up and make sure you have everything, we should be leaving with a Portkey soon it's 10:30, be down in 15 minutes so we can leave." They all responded with mouths full of food or hot chocolate and piled their plates up onto the side and tracked back to their rooms, Cedella and Dana went to go and help their mother with cleaning up the kitchen, while the group trailed up the stairs.

"Let's meet again in 5 minutes to discuss our game plan for Hogwart's." They all nodded at Annabeth and rushed to grab their bags and enter the closest room to the exit of the house, which happened to be the room that Reyna and Thalia shared. They all sat in a circle in the center of the room, their bags piled near the door and thrown onto the neatly made beds.

"Anyone got any ideas?" Jason was the first to speak.

"We all know that we have to act the part of Royalty, but we know that not all of us can hold that for long." Nico gave pointed looks to Percy, Leo, and the Stolls who stuck their tongues out at him.

"Nico's right, some of us can only keep that facade up for so long." Reyna tapped a finger on her knee and her face slightly scrunched up in thought, her lips pursed and nose wrinkled. "We should try to blend in with the other students, if we allow them to treat us like ordinary wizards and witches they'll feel a sense of familiarity with us, it gives us an advantage. They'll feel more obliged to trust us and more likely to tell us any information regarding the war." The other hummed in agreement with the Praetor's reasoning.

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