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Inspired by the song Happier - Marshmello

Lately, I've been, I've been thinking

Tommy looked down at L'manburg, the trees swaying in the wind, his friends still recovering from the last battle.

When we see what we've become

He saw their sullen faces. The happiness that once had shown on their faces was gone, replaced with the pain and suffering that war brang. He could see the emotionless, battle-hardened people that they had become.

Every argument, every word we can't take back

All of the arguments that Tommy had started with Dream. He had purposely pushed Dream's limits, just to see how far he would be able to take it. All of the times that he had insulted Dream, or any of the others had opposed L'manburg.

'Cause with all that has happened

He thought back to when Dream had first stolen his discs, when he had found out how much they meant to Tommy. The first battle, Wilbur letting Tommy lead the army. Eret leading them down a tunnel, Tommy would never forget how he realized what was about to happen right before it did. Tommy clenched his fists. The wind buffered against him.

I think we both know the way that this story ends

There was no way that L'manburg could win. Dream constantly had them being watched. He knew all of their plans from Eret. They were all wounded so much that if another fight came there was no way for them to escape without surrendering. There was only one way.

Then only for a minute

Wilbur getting shot in the shoulder with an arrow. Tubbo getting stabbed with Sapnap's sword as he shielded Tommy. Fundy getting blown back as the TNT exploded inside of L'manburg.

I want to change my mind

They were his most prized possessions, the things that he would never let Dream have in a million years. But this... it was more important. Wasn't it?

'Cause this just don't feel right to me

The thought of giving up his discs, it left him empty, broken. But L'manburg was worth it. His friends' lives were worth it, their happiness.

I wanna raise your spirits

Wilbur, Fundy, and Tubbo standing in a circle with Tommy laughing about how Tommy and Tubbo had gotten back Tommy's discs.

I want to see you smile

The way Wilbur's smile always brightened up the room. When Tommy and Fundy would tease Tubbo about being clingy. The way when one of them laughed they would all start laughing.

Know that means I'll have to leave

Tommy climbed down the wall. He needed to leave the safety of L'manburg. Step outside its protective walls. Go meet with Dream.

I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier

Tubbo, barely being able to move because of the pain. Wilbur, feeling like he let them all down and was planning to negotiate terms of surrender. Fundy, trying to keep their morals up even though you could see it in his eyes that he had given up. Eret, betraying them when they were at their strongest and had that little bit of an upper hand in the war.

When the evening falls

Tommy stood at the gates of L'manburg.Looking at the sunset, not wanting to take another step forward. But he had to, for L'manburg, for his friends.

MC Youtuber OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora