Chapter 11: And so there were Explosions

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Why can't you adults just settle you problems yourself!? Do you always have to drag kids into–!" he abruptly stopped, realizing what he had just revealed. Eraserhead did too.

"Irony, you..."

"Agh! This is what happens when I let emotions get the better of me dammit! Dammit dammit! Gah–! Ai– Eraserhead you are such a hassle! Look I need to go now!" He rushed off, faster than the hero has ever seen him.

Eraserhead contemplated chasing, but realized he wouldn't have been able to catch up at this point, not to mention he had just gained valuable information about the vigilante that had been a mystery for so long.

He grimaced.

Although he didn't think he was that happy to know.

• • • • •

Douma waited in their meeting point patiently, today was the day their plan was to be executed and the vigilante was late?

He let out a huff, not particularly worried about being found due to his quirk. Beside him was another person who had agreed to the plan.

They had the people who are with them scattered around the building, ready to set off the explosives that they had been planting discreetly these past few weeks along with familiarizing the layout of the whole building to make heir escape safely. He and Irony, in the midst of chaos, would then go to where the boss kept his hostages and get them to safety.

Not that complex, but Douma didn't really think Irony was the type of person that does complex.

A figure landed in front of him and Douma pushed himself from the wall he was leaning on.

"Irony" he greeted.

"Douma-san, sorry I'm late I uhm... got into some trouble on the way here"

The older man raised a brow, no eccentrics today? "Does it have to do with that announcement Present Mic made?"

The vigilante shrugged "Yeah, kind of"

He simply nodded and introduced him to the other person with them, because it would be kinda rude not to.

"Right, this is Kudou Anya, his quirk is Insomniac"

"Yo" the male gave him a wave. He had dark brown hair with bangs swept to his left and red eyes that looked like they needed some practice with death – aka sleep (but maybe it had something to do with his quirk?). For some reason he had a motorcycle helmet attached to his back even though no motorcycle was to be seen. He was quite young, probably around the same age as him.

"So you're he one who planned this whole thing huh?"

Irony gave a wave back "Yeah"

"Heh, I've been so excited I was barely able to sleep this week. And now I'm as strong as I can be"

Irony cocked a brow.

Douma stepped up to explain "The longer he goes without sleep, the better he is at fighting, that is, if he doesn't just pass out from exhaustion. Thus; Insomniac"

The vigilante nodded "I see, you won't pass out on us will you?"

Anya grinned "Heh, the longest I've been able to go without sleep is a month"

Irony whistled "Impressive"

But really, why is everyone so against sleep these days? I'm looking at you dear readers, the ones who said they have yet to be acquainted with sleep far back in the first chapter, I'm looking at all of you.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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Two Faced (BNHA)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें