Making Breakfast

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Rei jerked up from his slumber. He looked at his blonde lover and smiled. He was so cute when he was asleep. The blue haired boy got up and decided to put on some clothes. As he was getting dressed, Nagisa woke up and walked upstairs. As Rei was still in his underwear he heard Nagisa call out "Rei-chan!! I'm hungry! Could you make me some breakfast??" Rei panicked. He didn't want Nagisa to walk in on him. But guess what, Nagisa walked in anyways. "Rei-chan.." Nagisa's jaw dropped. "Nagisa-kun, good morning." Rei blushed at the blonde's reaction. "So Rei-chan..Can we make pancakes??" Rei smiled at the smaller boy. "Of course Nagisa, I'll race you to the kitchen!" Nagisa took off. "Not if I get there first!!"

(Soooo I'm trying to make this cute...But I know I'm gonna fail.~Reiss)

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