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We go visit Dora the next day. She's in such a bad way...I feel my heart break just from looking at her. I hope she makes it but then again I hope she doesn't, this is a cruel world...I wonder how she's going to take the news of what dad did. She already lost Josh and now both her parents. What will she say when she finds out that the reason she's in hospital is because of her dad? I hope you make it buddy, I can't be alone in the world.

Theres no school today so I just stay at home, eat ice cream till my brain freeze and binge watch TV series. Aunt Mary left for work after she dropped me off. I hear a knock at the door.

"Oh! Jesse! Hey come in"

"Thanks. You look bad"
Tell me something I don't know sexiness.
"Why you here"  I ask instead
"I was bored and thought I could come over since I knew you would be sulking. We going to Le'Truce and I'm not taking no for an answer, so go get dressed and get your ass down here in 5 minutes!"
Wow bossy much? But ey we going out!

Ohmigosh! This place is so awesome!! I've never seen such a romantic place oh lowd I'll just faint here...
The place is so nice warm. It's multiracial and multi-sexual.
We take a booth close by the window and the waiter brings us the menu
"Tell me when you ready to order Huns"
He just winked at me!! Oh gosh how have I not seen this place before?!  But Jesse seems upset about the wink
"This place is so expensive!"

"I know. But it's worth every penny. And I'm paying by the way so choose whatever your heart desires okay? Don't worry about the price"
I order some tacos and burritos with red wine and chocolate mousse cake for dessert. I notice that he orders vegan food that sucks! I like meat, but he likes grass

"Tell me about yourself Reece love."
I don't know but there's just something about him that makes me open up and spill all my deepest darkest secrets. I tell him about how Josh got raped but only told us in his sucide letter, about how a piece of me died with him and left a void inside me, how dad beat up mum and mum defended him everytime I told her to leave him and get out before it was too late, how I wish I knew what her last words were...we had a bad relationship, how I lost my virginity to a guy living a double life...who left me when I needed him the most, how my sister is battling for her life, how my life is our of control and I don't want to live but I have to be strong for Dora..she's my main concern right now. I didn't know I was crying until Jesse wipes them away and comes next to me and hugs me. How come I can be so open with him? What is it about him that makes me just want to tell him what's on my mind and in my heart?
After some time he tells me more about himself. He was raped twice in his life, one by his best friend and the second was date rape. He knows how it feels like to be alone, to be amongst a crowd but still feel lonely. He has felt rejection so many times and wanted to give up. He tells me about his favourite song,his favourite day of the year, how he spent most his birthdays and how he spent his whole life hating himself until five years ago when he came out to his family, he helps our at the community center and he spends most of his time doing volunteer work. Being able to help others made him feel better about himself, and it gave him a chance to change someone else's life. After hearing his life story I swear I want to be the one to love him and show him a better life. Why are the nicest people always getting hurt? My poor baby! Life has been so hard on him...yet he still helps others. His definitely my role model and inspiration.
I looked at the time, and he caught me glancing at it
"Do you have somewhere else to be or am I just boring you?" He says it as a joke but his voice sounds sad and his eyes look tearful
"Oh no! Just later on I'm going to the hospital to visit Dora."
"Can I come with? I have nothing to do at home, my parents are hardly ever home and I'm sick and tired of binge watching Netflix and eating fries - I even Gaines weight 'coz of that"
Weight?? What weight is this sexy model talking about??! I think his mad.
"Uuuh sure you can come, let me just tell my Aunt though"
We spend the next hour drinking smoothies and talking about nothing in particular. I notice that he loves chocolate smoothies.
He pays for the bill and we go home.

Stuck...Lost...AloneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя