Getting In Trouble

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-Y/n's P.O.V.-...

I walked near a huge rock and kicked it as hard as I could. All of the eyes went wide as they screamed but, was quickly wrapped around a lacey rope and was moved out of the way. The rock I Kicked went miles until it got near a mountain and hit it, breaking the whole top part of the mountain.

Hey! I know that fat guy but, he didn't look too happy to see me" Nezha! what are you doing with this monster!?" I turned around to see a familiar guy that was talking to the fat guy but, he looked mad? But! I don't blame him, it's not like I'm not mad. 

I glared at the guy behind me and was quickly put another ring on my neck but, it feels different. I felt a sharp pain in my back and quickly fell on my knees. I couldn't bear the pain and passed out.

-Nezha's P.O.V.-...

Y/n fell to her knee and passed out which I got really mad but, why did they put that ring on her if she's just a normal kid..." Nezha! that will be enough of that!" my dad yelled which got me angrier cause he's not even there most of the time.

"Boundary Beast! tighten the boundary, he is now cohibited from setting foot outside this room" He demanded" Sir!" they replied while tightening the barricade. I sat there on my bed closing my eyes hoping to at least fall asleep but, I heard the door open and all of a sudden Y/n  was pushed into my room, and the door shut. She groaned and got up putting her hand over her stomach and held onto the wall, I quickly got off my bed and helped her back onto her feet and let her sit on my little table that was near my bed" What happened to you, are you ok?" I asked as she adjusted her body correctly on the table" Y-yeah but, they put this ring on me, and I- I don't know?" she said crawling into a ball.

"I'm sorry, I got you into this" I looked at her while putting my hands in my pants while resting my head on the wall. She nodded as a replied and kept herself in a small ball as she started to dozes off a bit" I mean if your tired at least lay on my bed cause I don't want to have to pick you up and ruin my back at a young age" I suggested while I grabbed a spear blanket that I had in one of the closets. Y/n slowly got off the table and walked to the middle of my room where my bed was, she plopped down and pulled the covers over her and automatically... fell asleep. I was gonna give her a new blanket but... she fell asleep in a matter of 1.0 seconds...Eh! what matters is where I'm gonna sleep, Mmm? Oh! I could use this blanket and make a bed and then grab another one and another one! and boom! a bed.

I grabbed three blankets and ran near Y/n and laid down the blankets at where there supposed to be. I put my arms up and directly landed on the blankets, I laid back and thought for a moment' How did Y/n kick that huge rock, also, how did she manage to catch the shuttlecock when I kicked almost my hardest and the funny part is that no one ever had that chance to catch it they usually fly into the wall ?' I'll just wait until tomorrow.

I threw the blanket over me and closed my eyes finally getting the sleep I needed, drowning in my tiredness, I finally fell asleep and not just any sleep, a deep sleep.

------Time Skip In Y/n's P.O.V.------

I woke and sat up a little bit looking around but when I was gonna get up to stretch I had a huge wave of pain in my lower back and my legs. I couldn't get up, I pulled off the covers to reveal two rings on my ankles ...WHY! WHY ME! 

I groaned and fell back in annoyance" What am I gonna do with life if I am locked up most of the time!" I yelled which I'm pretty sure everyone in the village heard including...Oh! Nezha's here.

He looked at me and put his hand in his pants" what?" I asked sitting up. He smirked" It's just that it's the afternoon and you're still in my bed" I looked at him with wide eyes" It's the afternoon!?" I yelled. he nodded and began to walk away" Hey! you're just gonna leave me here?" I asked. He turned around taking his hand out of his pockets and walked up to me crouching down. he lifted up my chin and asked: how much do you weigh?. I immediately blushed and whacked his hand off my chin" I weigh about probably about... 47 pounds" He chuckled and got up. He brought a wooden wheelbarrow inside and tipped it over" All right, get in" I smiled and crawled in. He pulled up the wheelbarrow and started walking out of his room and he went outside but, instead of just doing what we did the last time to escape he hid both of us on the side of the Palace.

"What are we doing?" He looked at me with annoyance and groaned" We're hiding from those people so we can escape" he pointed to the man walking to Nezha room, I think coming with two trays of food. The man came running out screaming" the young master has escaped again!" the two green weirdos started freaking out then they all ran... probably going to tell that fat guy and the other dude who I still don't know.

Nezha's faced turned into a smirk and he started walking out of the spot that we were in" Hm! there's no guard alive, can't keep me locked up!" I rolled my eye and leaned back looking around...wait... what is that?" Nezha! look" I pointed to a flouting map. Nezha looked at where I was pointing and his face was immediately confused.

He rolled the wheelbarrow to the floating map and looked at it, touching it with his finger. This idiot. We both screamed while getting sucked in the map but, I felt really weird while I was getting sucked into a map. I literally felt like I was gonna puke until I hit something hard.

I looked up and seen... the most beautiful things that are probably explainable but, not... at the same time" Welcome to the world inside the painting, scenic isn't it" hey! it's the fat guy! I looked up for some...reason but, I saw the wheelbarrow heading right for me but, I didn't have the time to react and just sat there with a black face... ready to be knocked out again. I closed my eyes but, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and move me from where I was from. I slightly opened my eye and seen Nezha dusting himself off, I then opened my eyes fully and was gonna get up but, couldn't... again.

"What's the Big Idea!?"...

Ight, I tried my hardest not to delete this one but, I ended up doing like two times but, at least it wasn't like the last chapter👁️👄👁️ , and thank yall for... One thousand Views 🤪 I really appreciate it. Also that picture of ya boy Nezha is what he looks like smirking at ya 😝

From your lovely author... Isabella Sanchez...

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