XXII | Date

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The last and final period of the day seemed to drag on for hours, despite it only being 45 minutes. Quinn and (y/n) refused to talk to each other, leaving their seat partners Freja and April confused as to why such negative energy was radiating off of the two. The brothers watched from the back of the class, neither really paying attention to the lesson and more to the teenager. The bell rang, causing the students to gather their items. Usually, Quinn and (y/n) would exit the classroom together and head down to the bus loop together to catch their rides, but today Quinn collected her things and swiftly walked out, not sparing the girl a glance. Freja and April were left with a somber girl in Quinn's wake, both confused as to why there was such a harsh aura around the two. Before they had the chance to ask, two newcomers interrupted.

"Excuse us, can we borrow (y/n)?" Raph said, smiling and putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. Vincent stood behind him, silently observing. The girls blushed at his cheerful demeanor, both slightly envious of their special attention towards their classmate. "Thanks! Have a nice day, ladies," he said, pulling the confused girl along out of the classroom. "Woah woah woah, what's going on, Raph?" (Y/n) asked, "I didn't even grab my bag-" she says, noticing Vincent, who has her backpack slung over his shoulder. "We thought you could use some cheering up, so we're gonna take you out on a date!" The blonde cheers. "Oh, uh.. thanks guys, but I can't. My mom doesn't know, and-" "don't worry about it, your mother has been informed. We'll have you back by eight." Vincent says with a blank face, though inside he was happy the girl's mother was so approving of them. "You called my mom..??!" She exclaimed. She felt kind of peeved that they made decisions for her without her knowledge, but she was so emotionally drained at the moment that she didn't bother arguing.

"What is this place?" (Y/n) asked. The three stood outside of a large building with expensive looking columns supporting an overhang. "A cinema, silly," Raph chuckled. The girl's eyes nearly bugged out of her head, "what?! But this looks like a goddamn palace!" "Please, no swearing," Vincent commented, proceeding to walk towards the building. Raphael took the chance to take the girl's hand in her stunned state, guiding her into the building as she stared awestruck at the polished floors and exquisite decorations. "There isn't much to do in our part of town except golf, and Vince hates that, so we've been here a few times. It's the perfect way to relax," the boy said, warmth building in his chest, as she had not pulled her hand away (or hadn't noticed) yet. The trio approached the counter, where Vincent pulled out a shiny black credit card. The three were handed a large tub of popcorn and three glass cups to fill up their drinks. "At least this part is normal", (y/n) said, following behind the dark haired boy to where she assumed the fountain drink machine would be, only to be led to a sleek counter with an older man in the theater's uniform standing behind it. "You've got to be kidding me. A BAR??!"

The brothers handed over their empty cups to the man behind the counter. "What would you like, (y/n)?" Vincent asked, taking her cup gently from her grasp and putting it onto the bar. I can do that myself, you know- "uh, a sprite, I guess..?" She stammers, still baffled at the level of kiss-assery the business employs. The three finally headed into the theater itself, where they settled into high quality chairs that felt as though you could sink into them and never come out. The girl sat between each brother, with Raphael to her left and Vincent on her right. Raphael sat almost too comfortably, his legs crossed on his seat, one arm around the back of his chair and the other propping his head up against his arm. Vincent, on the other hand, sat rigidly, like he did at his desk: back straight, feet on the ground, good posture. The only difference was that one if his arms sat elegantly on the armrest. The boys themselves were exhausting to her at the moment.

She payed little attention to the movie, instead lost in the comfort of the chair and how flavorful the overpriced popcorn was, as her mind started to drift off. The events of the day left her mentally, emotionally and physically drained. The sound of the film faded into the background as her eyes closed...

Raphael felt a soft hit on his arm, looking down to see the girl had fallen asleep, and her body fell over to rest more comfortably on him. A striking red blush rose quickly to his face, as he adjusted his arm to make it more comfortable for the both of them. He used his free hand to pick up the nearly empty tub of popcorn that had fallen over when the girl drifted off. A glowing smile was plastered on his face as he gazed lovingly down onto her form, his ego inflating at the thought that she chose him to sleep on. Vincent caught sight of the two, and he immediately scowled. How dare his brother take advantage of sweet (y/n) like that??? He didn't cause a fuss, as that would wake the girl from her well-deserved rest, but inside his heart he seethed. He could barely take his eyes off of the genuinely happy smile his brother held for her, he felt disgusted by it. It should be him she was resting on, not that blonde idiot!

Taking a deep breath, he turned his attention back to the movie, which he had lost interest in a while ago. Now, he plotted ways to claim the girl, wanting to tear her away from his brother and make her completely his. Raphael, on the other hand, knew exactly how Vincent felt, and he loved it.

{a/n} - hello everyone!
This chapter we got to see some more yandere action! I'm sorry if this chapter isn't written as well as some others, I'm up pretty late and I haven't written much in a while.

On another note, I've published a new book! It's about an Android who grows an obsessive love over his creator. Please go check it out on my profile, it's called "Shortcircuit"!

As always, thank you all for staying patient, and thank you for reading, voting and commenting! ❤️❤️❤️

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