I don't know why I was so nervous to even talk to him, but my hands shook a little when I slid the window open.

It took a few moments before either of us spoke, we just stared at each other.

I could still see the dark blue hue of his eyes that always used to captivate me when we were together.

"Still in the same bedroom then?" He talked first, his voice slightly deeper than the last time I heard it.

I had to laugh a little. He remembered that my brother and I used to swap rooms every couple of years since I technically had the bigger one, but I straight up refused to swap because I knew he would ruin this one and I wouldn't want to move back into it.

"Uh yea," I laughed again "You know what Harvey's like with making a mess, I don't want him destroying the place."

Brendon laughed along with me, his hand moving to his head and pushing his hair out of his eyes.

God, the mannerisms between him and Leo were uncanny. Brendon was so different before though, no one could have compared him to Leo.

But now? Jesus it was like they were brothers.

"What are you doing here?" I had to ask. The question was screaming in my brain to be answered.

"I uh, just got back into town from working. I don't know but I just ended up here." Brendon shrugged, tucking his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket.

I went to reply but small voices in the hallway made me stop. There was no way I could talk to him from the bedroom window without something hearing.

"Give me a sec." I pulled the curtain back and leaped over to my bed, grabbing my black hoodie off the end of it and chucking it on.

Slipping on my converse, I picked up my science textbook and took it with me to the window, pulling the curtain back open and sticking my leg out.

As I climbed out the window, I stuck the science textbook on the ledge so the window wouldn't fully close when I pulled it shut.

As I clumsily landed on my feet, Brendon stuck his hands out to steady me in case I fell on my face.

"I can't talk for long, I have exams tomorrow." I told him as we began walking away from my house and up the road.

"Sure thing, I don't want to keep you long anyway, I've got work in the morning." He replied with a smile.

God, that was one thing that hadn't changed. The smile that caused two little dimples to appear on his cheeks.

"Work? You got a job then?" I wanted to know what happened when he left. Part of me was still hurt that he didn't even try to contact me after my parents got involved.

"Funny story actually..." He went and scratched the back of his head "I work for your Dad. I've been stuck in his main workshop in London since... you know..."

Hold up.

I stopped walking completely, staring at Brendon as if he'd just grown another head.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I was saying that to myself and to Brendon.

I couldn't believe it. All this time my Mum and Dad told me not to talk to Brendon anymore and not bother when in reality he was literally working under my Dad's nose.

And I knew he had regular contact with my Dad since his London workshop was his biggest and best one, so he always kept tabs on it.

"Your Dad mentioned that he was going to be back in the country this month and I remembered it was your birthday coming up so I thought I would be able to come and see you again and maybe they wouldn't react in the same way." Brendon explained and I though my brain was going to overload.

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