22. the whirly dirly conspiracy

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As if on cue, a spear came out of no where, stabbing Rick in the chest and pinning him to the wall. Cas' eyes widened for a second but she did nothing, despite Jerry's freaking out. A pink alien approached them, Jerry smacking her shoulder a few times as he cried out, Cas trying to smack his hands off of her. "Rick Sanchez. I told you if I ever saw your face in here again, I would stick you like the pig you are," the alien threatened, sticking the spear further into Rick's chest.

"Shnoopy Bloopers, I told you if you tried," Rick coughed out, a bit of blood dripping from his mouth. He grabbed the empty glass from the table next to him before stabbing it into Shnoopy's throat. "There'd be two funerals," Rick finished as the alien fell to the ground. Jerry screamed out, smacking Cas' shoulder in fear once more.

"Cas! Help him! Why don't you care?" Jerry cried out and Cas smacked his hand off her.

"Stop hitting me. He's fine," She mumbled as the spear shot out of Rick's chest and the wound healed quickly. Rick grunted at the feeling before laughing loudly, hugging the pink alien as he stood up as well.

"My friend. It has been too long," Shnoopy Bloopers chuckled. "You must be Cassiopeia," The alien held out a hand, which Cas shook with a bright smile.

"Cas, please," Cas corrected, following the two towards the bar.

"Oh, it's great to see you again, buddy," Rick laughed out. Cas watched them do some sort of handshake as she took a seat at the bar. Rick sat to her right and Jerry took the seat next to her left.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez gets whatever they want," Shnoopy told the bartender before walking off. Cas turned to Rick with an amused smile at Shnoopy calling her Sanchez as well. "Look at that. Mrs. Sanchez," She teased and Rick rolled his eyes but Cas smiled softly when he didn't bother correcting his friend. Granted, he had walked off by now but Cas still found more in the gesture than what was on the surface. Both Rick and Cas didn't care too much for the whole idea of marriage, especially after Rick's first failed one, but for Cas it felt nice to hear the name Sanchez attached to hers for once.

"The resorts covering in an immortality field," Rick explained to the confused Jerry. "You can't die here. That's the gimmick," Rick said and motioned to two kids that chased each other around.

"Okay, but still - bad parenting," Jerry said as one of the kids shot the other. The child healed quickly and the game resumed. "Yeah, I kind of agree on that. Definitely will not end well," Cas muttered, watching the children run around again.

"Eh, rich a-holes are rich a-holes," Rick shrugged as the bartender put a beverage in front of all three of them. "They all pay top dollar to come here and enjoy a consequence free vacation. No death, no disease, no dismemberment. Wouldn't even die if Cas pulled the metal out of you. Or from a heart attack," Rick explained, motioning to an alien who was shoving plate after plate of food in his mouth.

"Got it. The perfect place to take the most fragile being in the universe," Jerry commented.

"Don't expect us to refute that. You hit the nail on the head," Cas said simply. "I doubt Morty's gonna let us off the hook if we come back without you." Rick added on in agreement as Cas sipped from her, thankfully, non-alcoholic beverage.

"Yeah, but what if you came home with Jeff Goldblum?" Jerry asked and Cas furrowed her brows.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Jerry?" Rick asked, sipping from his very alcoholic drink. Jerry turned, looking towards two aliens behind them. Cas followed his gaze, almost choking on her drink as Rick spit his out. The alien behind them had a pattern on his body that looked exactly like Jeff Goldblum. "Jesus! Holy fucking shit!" Rick laughed out, "Yo, what's up, 'Big Chill'? Don't go into that telepod!" Rick called out, laughing along with Jerry and Cas.

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