Two Days till Christmas Game

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Sel's Pov

I woke up earlier than the usual I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7am and didn't have to wake up till 9am since it was my rest day today from practice. Kyle needed to be up in an hour so he can go to the gym and get his practice in. I decided to get up and go straight into the bathroom and get my hygiene done. When I came out I noticed that Kyle has moved towards my side of the bed and I laughed looking at this big ass man, being a baby the minute he felt my body leave the bed. I was taken out of my thoughts when Kyle said "Why are you up so early come back to bed baby" I laughed and went back to lay down with him and he cuddled into my chest and started drifting back to sleep. He always told me that if I was not near him when he was going to sleep he would struggle to fall asleep which would explain our facetime calls when he was away from home. I decided on texting my dad and seeing how he was and if he was excited to have us over for Christmas eve. Kyle and I made it clear that we would spend Christmas eve with my dad and step mother, and on Christmas day after his game we would come back home and spend Christmas day with is family. His mama and siblings are do to arrived on Christmas eve in the night. This would be the first time that I am meeting his mama and siblings so to say that I am not nervous is a lie. I am freaking out on the inside. I was glad that I was able to get the Christmas tree up without kyle being here because he wouldn't have let me done anything without him wanting to do everything together. lol I was lost in my own thoughts thinking about how crazy these couple of months have been for me. I remember leaving Los Angeles because I knew that I couldn't be okay here without my mom. I knew that I needed to remove myself from everything that reminded me constantly that I had lost my mother. Meaning that I would have to leave my family and friends behind, I did not care about how they would feel about me leaving but I was glad that I made the decision to leave to Seattle. Seattle has always been my second home and for that I am truly thankful. The memories and new friendships I got to make while living in Seattle. I was taken out of my thoughts when Kyle kissed my neck and said "You okay there baby, looks like you are doing a lot of thinking" I smiled and kissed his head and said "Yeah just reminising everything that has happened within these couple of months" I heard him sigh and say "promise me you won't ever leave me here alone if something like that happens again." I smiled and pulled his face towards me so we could be making eye contact together. I looked at him directly in the eyes and told him "never will I leave again, because you are my home Kyky." I kissed his lips and I could feel his body relax. I knew that everyone in my family and friend group feared that I would get my things and leave when I found out about Zo but I knew that this was something out of our control and we could not do anything to make it change.  Kyle and I finally made it out of bed and went to making breakfast together and then having him leave the house to go to practice while I stayed behind making a list of all the things I needed to buy from the grovery store. I also needed to get to wrapping my presents that I had gotten everyone,  I was glad that I had done all of my christmas shopping this year online. It just makes everything so much easier and smoother not having to go to the store where a lot of people who waited last minute are doing their shopping right now. It had always been easy knowing what to get my friends and family members for christmas but I knew that this year Kyle's gift would be one of the hardest ones I knew that he had always told me not to worry about getting him something expensive for Christmas. But I knew that he would get me something nice and I wanted to spoil my man, I wanted him to feel loved and appreciated and that's why I decided that the perfect present for him would be booking us a vacation away from LA after Christmas day. Kyle has always worked hard to be able to have everything that he has right now I have never seen anyone worked so hard like him and I am proud that I get to be a part of his life and witness all of these accomplishments every day. I am actually going to give him his present when he gets home later on today so he can prepared for the trip and pack what he wants to take. 

Kyle's Pov

I was currently in the gym working out with ZO and we were talking about our Christmas plans with our families and he was telling me all of the gifts that he got his family this year. I was excited that I would be spending the holidays with Sel and her family and my family as well. I had mentioned to Zo that I had gotten Sel a key to my house as 1 part of her present and the second one would be a surprise that she would need to open with her dad. I was excited to see reaction I knew that Sel would say to moving in with me she's always spending the night over we are hardly at her apartment, we literally just go so she can pick up her mail and pick up more clothes. I can't see myself with anyone else but her and I hope that she says yes and doesn't feel like this is too soon. I knew the minute that I see her I wanted to make her mine, I think it might be weird to say that I hope to make her my wife one day. The way she loves me, worries about me and reminds me every day why I made it this far is everything that I am looking for in a wife. And she fits all that, I hope she feels the same way about me and doesn't say no to wanting to move in together. I looked up at Zo and asked him "how are you really feeling, i know you are feeling a lot of emotions but don't want anyone to see" he sighed and sat in one of the chairs and said "man I never thought I would be leaving LA, don't get me wrong its nice to know that bi and hart will be there with me but I fear leaving my family and Sel behind. shes gone through so much i know that when she is on thin ice she wants to pack up and leave and before I was here to stop her now I feel like i am abonding her. But i. know you will do right by making sure that she is well taken care and doesn't get to that point." I sighed and looked at him and said "she is my world and I mean it when i say I want to make her my wife one day we will visit you as much as we can I am sure she will visit more than me because you guys are close. don't worry about her i got her unless i cant ill make sure to tell you" he smiled and said "you are the one for her kuz make her happy and keep her happy" we decided to wrap up our practice and make our way to the showers. Once we were done showering we made our way to our cars dapped one another and said we would see each other later on at the game. I began my drive home and thought to myself how special sel was and how in love I was with her. I made it home and saw Sel was in the kitchen taking things out of bags. I wrapped my arms behind her and heard her sigh and lean back into me, something told me that she had a long day and wanted to be held. I looked down at her and kissed her head and asked "is everything okay mama" she turned around and said "yeah just with the holidays coming around its making me miss my mom a little more than the normal" i hugged and said "she would have been so proud of everything that you have done babygirl don't forget that" she kissed me and said "i love you kyle i really do" i smiled and leaned down to give her a kiss before looking back at her and saying I love you too babygirl. I began helping Selena put away the things she bought at the market before making my way to my room to begin taking a shower and getting ready. I knew that Zo leaving la would be hard for her I was determine to make her happy and keep her happy for as long as i could. I was taken out my thoughts when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and kisses in my back. I turned around and brought her in front of me kissing her forehead "hi mama" she smiled and leaned up to kiss me saying "hi baby" we began taking a shower together talking about our day and preparing for the holidays. When we got out of the shower she put on sweats a crop top and my flannel and began making her way towards the living room to finish wrapping presents. 

Selena's POV

I was sitting in the living room wrapping up present the last few that kyle and i needed to wrap, i enjoyed wrapping presents him on the other hand not so much. I felt him staring I knew he wanted to talk so i looked at him and said "whats on your mind bebe" he smiled sat behind me and pulled me into his chest "how are you coping with your emtions today babe" I smiled and turned to look at him "I'm doing fine bebe, sad missing my mama and the news about zo but life has a way of making things work out for everyone" he kissed me "i mean it when i say i got you mama" i kissed him again and asked him if he wanted to help me. 

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