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"thanks for everything." i tell her wholeheartedly.

"thank YOU for finally letting me protect you." she says taking me into her warm embrace.

kayla's POV:

seeing my dad get taken away felt so good because i knew that i was finally safe, even if it were just for a moment.

i look at gaga and just smile because before i met her, i've never told a single soul about the hell i was witnessing at home for 3 years straight. not even hannah. i've honestly had the worst thoughts in my head all of my life but it only worsened once my mom left and i started getting abused by my dad.

"kayla?" i hear stef say.


"are you okay, honey? i've been trying to get your attention for a while now." she asked with concern drawn all over her face.

"i'm fine; im just thinking." i tell her.

"okay. well, i was asking you if you wanted to go to school tomorrow or skip?" she asks while looking over at me.

i thought for a while before speaking.

"i'll go." is all i say before going to sitting down at the bottom of the stairs.

she came over and sat by me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"are you sure, sweetheart?" she asks me in the sweetest way possible.

"yeah.. i'll be okay. i promise." i say resting my head on her shoulder.

"okay." she says kissing my head.

"can we please go over to your house now? i can't stand being here another moment." i say before putting my hands on my face.

"yes, babe just go and pack your things then we can go." gaga tells me.

"okay but can you help." i ask looking at her.

"of course sweet girl." she says smiling at me before standing up.

i do the same before leading her to my room.

we started packing all of my things which didn't take that long because i had most of my stuff packed already because i was planning on running away before stef came and rescued me.

"why's mostly everything packed already? were you planning on leaving?" she asks me.

"yeah, sometimes i did consider leaving like a lot.. i was beginning to get so fucking tired of being here. this wasn't even the worst of times." i tell her.


after i packed everything that wasn't already packed, stefani helped me put bags in the car and then we left for her place.

we've been here for a while.

we're watching movies right now and i kinda don't wanna go to school tomorrow or at all for that matter.

"kayla, baby, are you sure you're okay?" stef asks me.

"no. can i stay home tomorrow? i just wanna be with you all day."

"of course you can, sweet girl. we can do whatever you'd like tomorrow." she tells me.

i just smile and nod before cuddling into her more.

"is it okay if i start calling you mom? i mean i never really had one and i've always looked to you as one." i ask.

she looked as if she'd stopped breathing for a moment before she looked over at me.

she had tears in her eyes and a smile bigger than any one i've ever seen plastered all over her face.

"of course you can.. i'm glad that even though i wasn't there for you physically to hold and love on you, that you knew i was always there. whether i knew you or not, i was there. you're my daughter wether it's biological or not and i'll always protect you no matter what. i love you, kayla. nothing is ever gonna change that." she says before kissing my cheek.

"can you adopt me? like i want to legally be yours. they can't let me back into the custody with that man again after all he's done to me."

"i'm gonna get my lawyer and manager on the case right now. hold on." she says before grabbing her phone and texting bobby to tell him about it.

"bobby said he's gonna do all he can to make sure i can keep you because he knows how much it means to the both of us." she tells me smiling.

"i'm so glad i have you." i say.

"i'm glad that i can be here for you."

"i love you, mom."

"i love you too, kaymonster." she says smiling before kissing my forehead.

short chapter but enjoy until i actually feel like i know where i wanna go with this book cause lowkey it's going nowhere. be patient with me tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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