Chapter 23: We got Chemistry Baby ;D

Start from the beginning

"What is it that you don't understand about the subject? I'm not saying that in a rude way." she shrugged.

"I actually have no idea what happens in Chem." He gave her a look.

"How the hell are you in my classes, yet, you don't know basic Chemistry?!" she crossed her arms.

"Back in Paris, the teacher just counted our attendance as like 75% of our grade since the whole class never stopped talking. Also she wasn't really a good teacher." he curled his hands into fists.

"Is there anything in Paris that actually turned out well?" he muttered to himself. "Ok fine. I'll help you, but this will probably take all night to be honest. If you don't know where you struggle, I won't know where to start so I guess we can start from the beginning." her jaw dropped and she rammed into him with a hug.

"THANK YOU!" he chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Ok. Let me go get some textbooks from the back. Go get a notebook or something. I don't care, just meet me back here in ten minutes." she nodded and scurried out the door. He pulled out his phone.

'Sorry, can't partol tonight. Helping Marinette with project.' when Dick sent him a thumbs up, Damian pocketed his phone. Marinette ran into the room, serious look on her face.

"Ok, so this all comes down to you." she held up two notebooks. "Red Glitter or Pink Glitter?" Damian scowled at her.

"Why are you stressing over a notebook? Just a piece of paper would be fine!" he lashed out. Her head dropped a little. He sighed. "Sorry, it's just that this will probably take all night and we need as much time as possible." she nodded.

"Ok, so Red or Pink?" he glared at her, annoyed. She stuck her tongue out and brought both to the table. "Seriously though. This is important." he slammed his head on the desk, hard. "OW WHAT THE FUCK DAMIAN?!?!" she grabbed her forehead and before he could do it again, she grabbed him by the collar. He looked up and saw hell in her eyes. "Look at me." he rose his head back up again. "Just pick the red one or the pink one before I lose what sanity I have left." Damian was aggravated, but now, he was genuinely terrified. He pointed to the red one. She beamed."See! Now wasn't that so much better?" Damian scoot his chair further away from her. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to bite you know." he gave her a strange look.

"Please forgive me, but I don't believe a single word that came out of your mouth from that last statement." she rolled her eyes and opened the notebook.

"Whatever. So where do we start?"

Timebreak brought to you by my late night insomnia!

"Hey Damian," she smirked, leaning over the table, head on her arm.

"What is it? We still have a lot to get through, and it would be great to know what parts of Chem you don't understand!" she pushed herself up on the table, and sat next to him, legs swinging.

"There is one thing I understand about Chemistry." he rose a brow, intrigued. Last second he was about to stop her, but he was too late. "We got quite a bit of it babe." She winked, Damian rubbed his forehead.  

"Marinette, now is really not a good time to start-" she swung her legs up into his lap. His face was stone cold. "What are you doing?" she hummed and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Distracting you darling, what does it look like?" he rolled his eyes and closed the book.

"Why on Earth would you need to distract me? We have a lot to get done, and I really hope that-" she quickly shushed him and kept running her fingers through his hair.

"You know, you should leave out the hair gel. Your hair is really soft, like a kitten's." he felt heat bloom over his cheeks.

"I'm glad you think so. Now, onto chapter 10, you did well, except for problem 23. Next time, just remember that-" he drifted on and on, while she pet his hair. It went on up until 12 in the morning, when ended up forgetting the class. 

"While he may have deserved it, you kicked him off the roof? If I did that to my partner, he would probably throw me into the ocean." Damian joked, Marinette laughing.

"Yeah, he was mad at me for like five minutes, then he skipped off towards the nearest ice cream shop. I swear! He was like a child! He is!" Damian wrinkled his nose.

"He just gets more and more aggravating every time you talk about him. How do you put up with someone so....... incompetent?" she shrugged and slid off the table, back onto the chair next to him. She rested her head onto his shoulder. "It could be worse. At least in the beginning he was ok. Speaking of, I should meet up with him within the week. I don't want him to have the miraculous any longer than that." Damian nodded. 

"It's for the safety of the world. You are not doing a bad thing, I swear. Don't beat yourself up about it. Now, we really  should get back to work." she looked up sadly. 

"Do we gotta? I like just doing this." he felt heat rise up in his face again, but ignored it.

"Ok, so the atomic number has to be- hey, are you sleeping on me? Marinette? Marinette!" she was out cold. He sighed and tried to pluck her arm off of him, but she just wrapped her arms around him tighter. "Damn it." she wouldn't move. He looked over at the big clock on the other side of the library.

5:28 am

"Crap. I'm late for my morning training." he grumbled and tried to slide out from under her. She shifted, and had her head down on the desk, but her right arm was wrapped around his left. Moonlight from out the window reflected on her hair. He sighed once more and put his own head on the desk, knowing he was already late for his morning routine. And all he saw was darkness.

"Shut up!" Dick whisper-snapped to Tim and Jason. "You guys are being so loud!"

"Well if Bruce wanted these pictures, then why didn't the old man get the damn things himself?!? I will NOT be used as some pawn!" Tim shrugged.

"Well, instead of thinking of it as stuff for Bruce, think of it as blackmail against the demon." Dick glared at Tim and Jason pat him on the back.

"Wow replacement, you know you've gotten so much better once you broke away from Brucie!" Tim and Dick rolled their eyes.

"Could you be any louder Jason?" Tim complained as he pulled out his phone.

"Will all of you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Marinette snapped, groggy from sleep. Jason ran down the hall while Dick snorted.

"What's the matter Jason, afraid of a little girl?" Marinette trained her glare on the eldest, anger reaching far beyond her eyes. Jason pointed to her.

"Dickie bird, I am terrified of that thing in the place of our sunshine." Dick ran behind Jason, leaving Tim at the front lines. Tim gulped and booked it. A hand practically shoved her head back on the desk.

"Hey! What gives-" the hand was over her mouth.

"With all due respect, please be quiet and go back to sleep. We have fifteen minutes til we have to leave for school." Marinette jolted up.


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