Twilight - Edward's First Time

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Carlisle's POV

    I felt as though the nurses stares had become more obvious than normal. Sure I was used to their awestruck expressions and rapid heart beat, but today it felt like they were going overboard to make me uncomfortable. They all knew I was happily married, so why must they look at me like this. Heck I even had a son, well I had at least. Edward had been gone for nearly four years and I had almost given up all hope that he'd ever come back.

   He was frustrated with this life. He was tired of his blood lust, and he wasn't satisfied with animal blood. So, he left. It broke mine and Esme's heart, we truly did think of him as a son.

   I was walking to my next appointment when a nurse bumped into me and dropped two bags of blood on the floor. She had been to busy staring at me to notice where she was going. They hit with a splat and the floor was painted a bright red. I was normally under control around blood, but I was surprised and angry. I hadn't hunted all week, and the smell of the blood on the floor irritated my throat. I pinched my nose and walked swiftly away, not offering a word to the clumsy nurse.

   The rest of the day was just as aggravating. A young boy came in sick with his mother, but he refused to tell me anything about what was bothering him. A man yelled at me for taking too long to get him into his appointment. And, all the woman in the hospital never ceased staring at me with lustful eyes.

   Finally my shift ended. I began the walk home. Our cottage was deep in the woods away from peeping eyes. I walked slowly, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I walked into the clearing where our house stood and was met with deep red eyes.

"Edward?" I called out.

"Hello Carlisle." Edward whispered humbly. I dropped my suitcase and ran to meet my son. I wrapped him in my arms and he stumbled backwards.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I shouldn't have ever left."

"Oh, it's okay son." I comforted.

   Esme rushed out of the house. She was beaming and tears of joy ran down her face. She joined in our embrace. For once in a long time, our family was whole again.

"Come inside." Esme grabbed Edward's hand and led him inside. I picked up my suitcase and came in after them. They both were sat down in the front room.

"Can you two ever forgive me?" Edward asked. He looked down and fidgeted with his thumbs.

"Oh honey, of course we forgive you!" Esme exclaimed.

"Your room is exactly how you left it." I assured him. "We'd love it if someone were to occupy it again."

"I-I can really stay. Even after what I've done?"

"I'd never make you leave Edward, your part of this family. We'd never abandon you son."

"You shouldn't call me son, not after what I've done." My mouth fell open in shock at his words.

"You are my son Edward." I assured him.

"I'm a monster Carlisle. I've killed people!" He argued. Esme put a hand on his knee in a loving manner.

"You are no such thing Edward Anthony! You made a mistake, and I've forgiven you." I scolded.

"You shouldn't forgive me. I'm a monster Carlisle, why are you denying it!"

"Your my son and I forgive you! You are no monster, you made a mistake! Mistakes are a part of life!" I raised my voice, I was running out of patience.

"It was an unforgivable mistake! Why can't you see how horrible I am!" He screamed.

"Nothing you do will ever be unforgivable! Don't speak about yourself in that way Edward!" I screamed back. Edward pushed me backwards, and the couch was pushed into the wall with a thud.

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