Mom's death

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My smile turned into grin as I pushed the door and entered inside my house. I finally got a chance to make my dream a reality and I wanted to tell it to mom. "My beautiful mom~!" I chirped as I skipped into the living room. I heard no answer from her. "She should be home by now. Her shift ended an hour ago" I mumbled while keeping my bag on the couch.

I went to the kitchen and took a glass from shelf. After pouring myself some water, I started walking to our room. Me and my mom live alone because whoever my dad is didn't accepted me or something like that. I opened the door and walked inside. I froze in my steps seeing a pair of legs hanging down. I slowly looked up to the person and the scene in front of me terrified me.

The glass detached from my lips, falling onto the floor and breaking into millions of pieces, just like my heart. I took a step back as I couldn't process things in front of me. Tears dwelling through my eyes, blurring my mom's figures, I quickly turned around and ran back to the living room. I bumped into the wall of kitchen to roll down on the floor.

I let out a sob and got up. Tears were blurring my vision as I couldn't see anything properly. Yet I took my bag with shaky hands and opened the zip. I took out my phone with those shaking hands. I couldn't hold the phone properly, let alone dial any number. Somehow, I found his number on the top. I clicked on it and attached the phone to my ears.

It was ringing, and ringing, and ringing until he picked up. "Didn't we met few hours ago?! You miss me already dude?" He sassed. "S-Suhoo...." I whispered almost inaudible. "Y/n? What happened? Why are you talking so slowly?" he asked me concerned. "Su-ho.. M-Mom... Pleas-se come he-here..." I begged him through tears. "Calm down... what happened?"

(Imagine Exo are from 16-20 age and BTS 32-40)

Trying his best to calm me down, he asked, "Tell me slowly what exactly is happening?" "M-mom is hangin-ging on the ceil-ceiling... It-It's scary Suho-ya.. come here please" I begged him, sobbing. "Shhh... I'll be there in no time Y/n. Don't go into that room. I'll bring police." He informed me and hung up. I fell upon the floor, crying my heart out.

The image of my mother hanging on the ceiling is so terrifying and scary that I feel scared. I feel cold right now. Like there something around me that's cold or creepy. I tried to calm down myself but nothing worked right now. My eyes were not ready to stop its Niagara.

After 15 minutes, there was banging on the door. I flinched and quickly moved to the couch, thinking it's some thief or criminal. My mind was not in a good state right now. "Y/N! OPEN THE DOOR! IT'S ME SUHO!!" I heard familiar voice making me sob more. I jolted on my feet and ran to the door. Twisting the knob, I pulled the door back and attacked him.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and closed my eyes. I need comfort right now. Seeing your mother's dead body in front of you, that horrible scene is traumatizing. "Y/n, let the police get in. They need to do their work." He patted my back. I broke the hug and moved back. I saw 4 police officers enter inside and go to the kitchen first. I didn't spoke a word.

I felt a grip on my hand making me look at the person. It was none other than Suho. I let my tears crawl down my cheeks while I was staring in his eyes. His eyes showed me pain. Same pain that I saw when I first saw him. A boy crying because he lost his mom and dad at the same time, crying under a tree. I still remember that day so vividly. That day is when we became friends.

"S-Suho..." I spoke. "It's okay. Cry all you want Y/n. You have to right to" he caressed my hairs above my ears. I closed my eyes, melting under his touch. I pulled his hand and crashed my body onto his. I just want someone who can understand me in this situation. He made me sit on the couch and pulled me closer to his chest.

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