Chapter 1

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Seth ran quickly to the play room after ending the conversation with his brother.

" Can you try and put your hands down slowly " he asked Jane

Jane followed her Dad as he demonstrated, immediately her hands were down, the objects stopped moving and dropped down as well.

" What's going on " Sarah panicked as she went to her daughter's side

" I need to explain myself to you, don't freak out "

" Go on "

* Years Ago *

My Father was an alien who had super powers passed down from his father to him. His spaceship crashed on earth due to the force of gravity.

He began to use his powers to save the world, while saving the world he met our mother who was human. They fell in love, got married and had children.

My brother, I and my younger sister. Dad's super powers were passed to the first born child which was my brother, Sebastian. He was the only one with the powers, if he had children, they will also have the powers.

" You don't have the powers, why was it passed to Jane " Sarah questioned

" I don't know, Sebastian would be here soon "


" Uncle Seb " Jane called out while hugging him

" hey, little bear " Sebastian carried her on his shoulders

" Hey Sebastian " Seth clapped his back

" What do you mean, Jane has the powers "

" I don't know bro "

" The powers were passed to her that means she is the next person to save the world " Sebastian gasped

" Jane, let's test your powers " Sebastian took her outside and straight to the garden.

" Jane this is your training camp "

" Yes Uncle Seb "

* 5 years old Jane *

" Show me your powers Jane "

" I have the flight power, the fire power, the vision power, the strength power and the ability to hear from a long distance power " Sebastian listed out

" Let me teach you how to fly "

Seb jumped up, using his hands to control his movement as he flew about.

Jane copied his demonstration as she jumped up, flying beside Seb. She laughed happily as she stretched out her hands.

They came down breathing heavily

" The next power is the fire power, step aside " Seb ordered

He strained his eyes at a flower, fire came out from them and the flower burned to ashes

" Do it "

Jane did the same thing, fire came out from her eyes and burned a small fraction of the garden to ashes.

Seb took a stone, gave it to Jane and ordered her to hit him with it.

" Uncle Seb ! You will get hurt " Jane exclaimed

" Do it " Seb ordered her

Jane threw the stone at Seb closing her eyes.

" Open your eyes " Seb commanded

Jane opened her eyes but closed it again as she saw a stone coming at her. The stone hit her forehead and dropped to the floor, she opened her eyes immediately, surprised that the stone neither hurt her nor leave a scar on her forehead.

" We are immune to pain " Seb explained

* 10 years old Jane *

" Where is your brother " Sebastian asked Jane who was feeling bored

" He is at a friend's house "

" Let us train, I'm teaching you how to fight today for self defense "

" Okay Uncle Seb "

" Focus, keep your eyes on your opponent's move, swing your arm, Dodge, punch, lift your legs swiftly " Sebastian commanded

They carried on for hours, breathing heavily, striking hard at each other.

" Strain your ears, listen attentively "

Jane strained her ears, listening to the conversation between her Parents, hearing each word they said.

" Open your mouth and think of water" Seb ordered

Jane obeyed, opened her mouth and water came rushing out. She quickly closed it, laughing as a huge amount of water rushed out again.

* 15 years old Jane *
" Uncle Sebastian " James Anderson, the younger brother of Jane shouted with glee as he ran towards his Uncle

" How are you my little man " Seb bended to James's height, hugging him.

" I'm fine, what of Emily "

" Emily is doing great, call your sister out "

" I'm here " Jane mumbled

" Hi brother " Seth greeted Sebastian doing a manly hug

Sarah came out as well, greeting Sebastian. James was told to go inside his room.

" I brought Jane's outfit " Sebastian removed the cloth from its cover, showing the three persons seated.

The cloth was a v-neck with long sleeve arms, a red top and blue skirt sown together paired with red long socks and a blue mask. A long blue Cape.

" Am I going out tomorrow " Jane said happily

" No "

" When? , I'm tired and bored of training everyday " Jane deadpanned

" When you are a senior in school " Seb said

" I have a suggestion to offer " Seb mentioned

" Go ahead " They urged

" I want Jane to change her high school before senior year " Sebastian pressed on " I need you to also change your location, house and environment "

" When should we do that " Seth asked playing with the ends of Sarah' pigtails.

" Now " Seb said making no expression

" Okay, is that all " Seth questioned

" I would give you a wristwatch, that can allow you to change to your outfit anywhere and anytime, the wristwatch would make you receive calls from me to tell you about the missions and the address, the wristwatch would also give you a direct call to the police " Sebastian said referring to Jane who was still brooding.

" That would be all, I have a mission to attend to " Sebastian said running out of the room while changing to his outfit.

* 17 years old Jane *

Later in the night :

" I'm ready, Uncle Seb " Jane said happily, as she checked her self in the mirror. She was 5'6" ft tall with a tiny waist and broad hips, a dark brunette hair and brown eyes.
Her long hair was let down from the ponytail it was, flowing freely as she put the mask on.

" Are you ready for your first mission" Sebastian purred mockingly

" I'm scared " Sarah said worryingly as she held Seth hands

" She will be safe, okay " Seth reassured her even though he was also worried about his daughter being out there alone.

" it's time " Sebastian commanded

" Let's go " Jane said with a cool and calm voice that sounds authoritatively.

Author 's note :

Who is ready for Jane' s first mission.

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