They are attacked from both sides, and fight back to back. Skorch is able to knock Saxon down, and as Trevor turns, the wither skeletons disarm Trevor and begin dragging him and Saxon off.

The Tidesinger rushes forward and fights Skorch.

He is able to push him back, but in a break from the fighting, he notices many of the Knights of Ardonia being killed. He sees Skorch smile, and uses one of his songs to distract Skorch to get away.

Down below, Tidesinger meets up with Hubris and Thalleous.

' We’ve lost our momentum, we must fall back now!

' We can’t retreat, we’ll never get this chance again!' Hubris tells the Tidesinger.

' Then we will find another way, but if we continue this fight we will all die.'

Thalleous looks around, seeing their allies falling in the distance.

' Retreat! Back to the portal!' he commands.

The knights start pulling back to the portal. Saxon and Trevor are still being taken captive.


Masani is retreating towards the beacon as well, shooting skeletons with her bow.

Suddenly she spots a civilian being attacked- a female Felina. Her eyes go wide as she recognizes the person.

' Lira!'

Masani rushes forward towards Lira.

Lira is trying to help other civilians not be killed in the chaos, when a nearby civilian is attacked by the Wither Skeletons. She goes over there to see if the person is okay, then the Wither Skeleton comes for her. She picks up a weapon on the ground and tries to defend herself but is quickly stricken down.

Lira is injured, and about to be killed when an arrow hits the Wither Skeleton killing it.

She looks over, and is surprised to see Masani with her bow drawn. They both smile for a moment, until Masani’s face becomes suddenly pained.

An arrow is sticking through Masani, and she collapses forward.


Back at the beacon, Lucan and Niika find themselves caught up in the retreat. They go through the portal as Denny and Thunderdome fly in above.


Lira holds up Masani’s dead body, sad.


The Tidesinger is the last through, after making sure everyone else was safe. After arriving back in Meridian, he quickly removes the nether star so no one can follow them through.

Abbigail flies down on Luna and looks worried. ' What happened?!

' Our attack failed, it was chaos. I should have expected more Nether forces to arrive… Many lost their lives because of my mistake.'

Denny flies down on Thunderdome. Abbigail looks to Denny.

' Where are Saxon and Trevor?'

Denny removes his helmet. ' Skorch nearly killed them, but took them as prisoners instead.'

Lucan and Niika look at each other.

Borgen walks up. ' Us Magnorites fight on solid ground, not hanging from trees. Many K’arthen soldiers died today.'

' We needed the capitals to utilize the beacons, what now?' Ria asks.

Everyone stops, and gradually turns to Achillean for guidance.

' We must get the Prime Songs before the Deathsinger does. Thalleous, you have wielded the Prime Songs before, maybe you can wield them against Ingressus.'

Thalleous nods, but Senn walks forward.

' Wait, what?'

Everyone turns to him.

' Is there a problem?' Hubris asks.

Senn looks down, sighs and walks backwards. ' Nothing.'

/A/N/ Senn is very close to Galleous and knows that Galleous would totally disagree if he knew Thalleous was wielding the Prime Songs again.

' We should split up,' Ria suggests.
' One group to the Protisium Prime, the other to the Agressium Prime, that way we'll get the Songs faster.'

The Tidesinger nods. ' Good thinking. Let's get started.'

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