Chapter 1

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        It's another school day, although the day looks very promising am not really looking forward to it, with the beautiful sun ray lighting my room up and my alarm clock screaming it's ass off....wait, what am I thinking?... Am gonna be late!!!. I quickly brush my teeth, bath, put on some clothes, grab my bag and run off.

     I probably didn't introduce myself....well, am Fiona Morgan..and am time for this...I have a bus to catch.....we'll talk this out later....
"Aren't you gonna take your breakfast" my mum shouts from the kitchen.
    "Morning mum, I can't, am really late"
    "At least grab some thing from the fridge"
    "Ugh" I grunted and ran back, I quickly grabbed, a milk shake, and took a loaf of bread from the kitchen table, stuffing it in my bag. I pecked my mum and practically flew out of the house.
     "Damn" I almost shouted, I missed the bus, and now I had to wait for the second one to come by. And I'm not really looking forward to that. I know you must be wondering why?'re soon gonna find out.
  After long minutes of waiting, the bus finally came.
     "Here comes, the scent herself" Gina shouted as I entered the bus. Everyone laughed, although I didn't see it has anything funny. I just ignored her, and was trying to shove my way to a seat, as they were all packed together. I was almost reaching my destination when someone stuck out a leg, I saw it in time and tried to dodge it, but I guess I did that wrongly cause I still fell face down, giving everyone another chance to laugh.
     "I guess it's now a clumsy scent uhnnn" someone shouted and was accompanied by another fit of laughter. So you now see why I hate this bus so much. It's like all of them were sent to humiliate me, i can bet you that once the bus stops the story about today's "laughter" will be round the school.
Spotting an empty seat at the back of the bus, I dragged my humiliated self there. As I sat down, the boy next to me shifted, and covered his nose.
     "Oh poor Henry, his gonna have to contend with the scent today" Gina said stressing the word "scent". I could feel the tears prickling my eyes, I can't cry in front of them, it will just assure them that I'm weaker than they thought, so I just turned to the window, wishing they'd leave me alone.
      "She smells more than a garbage dump" Henry said.
       "Don't be too harsh on her" Gina said, please, don't fail to note the sarcasm in her voice "She probably forgot to take a bath" she added making them laugh again.
Just when I thought, I couldn't hold the tears anymore, the bus came to a stop. Everyone ran for the door, but in order to avoid more insults, I just glued myself to the seat, and waited for everyone to get out.
   "Hey Fiona" Gina shouted. "Try to brush your teeth next time"
Wait, I haven't even said a word since I entered the bloody bus.
   I guess you are wondering why I don't stand up for myself or say something, I guess if I didn't well...smell, I would have had the courage to stand up to them, but the thing us, I do have the scent. Not that I smell, all the time, I just smell when i sweat like really sweat, or don't take my time in my bathroom. So I try to avoid sports as much as I can, but I can't skip Phy. Ed, so after we're done exercising, I try not to go near to people. It bad, because I can't have a quick bath or participate in sports like everyone but it makes me take good care of myself. And yeah, I occasionally have mouth odours ones in a while when I don't brush well. So you see my case is really a pathetic one, and its more pathetic because I don't have friends or anyone I can trust, I mean I can't tell my mum all this, knowing who she is she'll use it to against me one day, I don't mean like, in a bad way, just when she's scolding me and telling my dad or brother is out of my options, my brother will practically taunt me with it for the rest of my life.  So am practically that quiet, fucked up girl who keeps to herself and doesn't talk to you, unless you talk to her. I can't make friends, I don't even know how to, I'm afraid if I try, they would just run away from me, make fun of me or better still reject me. So I just wait to be talked to. You will only talk to me, If you really want to.
    So I just ignore Gina and make my way out of the bus. Hurriedly running to my locker to get my books ready for my next class, I pass some group of girl who giggled as I passed, I heard one of them whisper "clumsy uhnn"...I told you, didn't I?. Again I ignored them...well, all I can do is ignore and that's all I've been doing lately... And walked to my locker, reaching there, my eyes almost popped out of its socket...."clumsy" was written boldly on it, i immediately tried to whip it off but Shit!!, it was written with a permanent marker. I can't miss a class because of it, so it's gonna have to stay there till break time but for the meanwhile am going to have to contend with it...i quickly took out all my books and dashed into the class room.. Luckily, I am not having any class with Gina today, so am literally, free today.
    So I avoid Gina and any other person that's a threat to my peaceful living. Once the last bell went off, I headed straight to the bus, not lingering or hanging around with anyone, not as if I have friends to hang out with. I just take my usual seat near the window, and bury myself in my biology text book, while waiting for the driver to move the bus.  

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