Chapter 20 - Darenel Tremaris

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"Now then, to business." Lacing weathered hands together atop the snow-white silk tablecloth, Reyson eyed Darenel. "You received Madame Kiiss's message, obviously?"

Darenel nodded. "I did. Madame Kiiss proved herself an invaluable connection when I was first starting up my little 'enterprise'. When she wrote to me asking for help in discreetly reaching Hashodi, I was only too happy to oblige."

"What enterprise is that?" interrupted Lhara. Reyson slid her a sideways look, but Darenel did not seem perturbed.

"I manage a team of experienced guides, trackers, and travelers – some with previous military experience - who know the northwest of Goran better than their own faces. With my oversight and coordination, they locate, transport, and deliver anything...or anyone, anywhere, with an emphasis on discretion being our key selling point."

"Mercenaries, in other words," supplied Yidu helpfully.

"Yes, mercenaries. For a modest fee to support our network, there are few places in this corner of the world where we will not go...and few things we will not do. I myself have traveled quite extensively over the past two years across the lands between Blue Stone, Vaelona, and Geristan."

"Will you be traveling with us to Hashodi, then?" asked Lhara. Although she didn't understand why, she feared that the answer would be yes. Mostly she didn't understand why Jath had reacted so dramatically to the mere sight of this man. As far as Lhara could tell on first impressions, he seemed perfectly pleasant.

The issue was avoided altogether when Darenel shook his head. "No, but one of our best northern guides, a man by the name of Sonak, will. The Night Forest can be a challenging place to travel, particularly when one deviates from the main road."

"That's why we've come to you," said Reyson. "Madame Kiiss felt, for our errand particularly, it would not be safe for us to travel to Hashodi by way of the main road. Lord Xolani and Lady Oesu agreed with her, as did General Vinie. We need to go by way of the forest, while still getting to Hashodi as quickly as possible. The loss of the Third Company at Utunma has kept Mahir quiet for a little while, but no one knows how much longer this moment of peace will last. When the bubble bursts, Undor will need allies."

The hostess reappeared with a tray of bread rolls and bowls of butter, which she placed in the center of the table by going unnecessarily around to stand next to Darenel. Although they had spent the afternoon at The Lighthouse nibbling on bits of fruit and cheese, Lhara's stomach still let out an enthusiastic rumble. She and Yidu were quick to tear into the bread, utterly heedless of how Reyson and Darenel tidily opened and buttered their own buns.

"I fear I must agree with you regarding the king. Only just last week, the Second Company left their barracks on the outskirts of town. Latest reports placed them halfway between here and Vaelona, no doubt on their way south by way of Amenthere. The trip between Blue Stone and Hashodi is usually about two days, if one goes on horseback along the main road," Darenel was saying as Lhara reached for a second roll. "Sonak informs me that, through the Night Forest on foot, it is likely to be closer to five."

Reyson's sun-weathered brow furrowed. "Five days...that's unfortunately about what Madame Kiiss was guessing. And how much will that cost us, provisions and gear included?"

"Will Jatheryn be going as well?"

Lhara froze with the bread halfway to her mouth. Although Darenel had called out Jath's full name earlier, she hadn't entirely realized the significance of it until now.

"You and Jath know each other." She said, a statement, not a question. "How?"

Darenel gaze fell, briefly, long dark lashes standing out stark against his pale, sharply boned cheeks. Then he sighed and met Lhara's gaze, as composed as only a Gorian noble could be.

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