Swift Security Book one chapter two

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Chapter two

Erin's point of view


I'm so cold, and every part of me hurts I've been repeatedly raped off Keller and his right-hand man Noah and beaten beyond recognition, it's hard to breathe my ribs hurt so much.

I'm lying on an old stained mattress on the floor in the cold and damp basement with a scratchy blanket that I've managed to tie around me.

I have no idea where I am; I was kidnapped on my way to work and threw in the back of a van before being knocked unconscious with some sort of drug, I have no idea how long we travelled for.

Keller has taken pictures while I've been raped and beaten. I noticed a camera with a red light in the corner, possibly a video camera?. What sort of sick bastard would want to film that and why?

Why me?

He's told me my Dad is dead and no one is coming for me.

I can't believe he's killed, my father.

I'f im lucky then maybe he'll kill me.

I have no idea how long I've been in this room as hours turn to days. And God only know how many days I've been here.

I hold my breath as I hear someone coming, closing my eyes tight, hoping I'll be left alone.
The footsteps get nearer as someone is approaching me.

Please, God, leave me alone!!!!

Wake up princess he shouts as he kicks me in the ribs laughing as I groan in pain.

"Orffff "

He kicks me again it hurts so bad I open my eyes and look up at him as he stands over me glaring down at me.

"Don't look like some fancy rich princess now Do ya?"

He says with an evil smirk as he shouts to the other man.


"Yea boss?" He replies

"I have to go on an errand; I'll be back sometime tomorrow. I trust you'll keep our princess entertained."

The other man laughs as he replies

"Oh yes, I'm sure the princess and I can keep ourselves entertained."

The pair of them walk outside; I can see them talking at the door, then Keller walks away.

Noah turns to walk back inside smiling as he leers at me I notice he closes the door, but he leaves the key in the lock, fuck! is this my chance to escape, I scramble to my feet as Noah walks over to me with an evil grin on his face.

"No please, Noah, please don't do this


I beg as he walks over to me

"What's up baby? does princess think her pussy is too good for me."

The sick fucker says with an evil grin.

"Please Noah I'll do want you to, please don't force me."

I say as he walks over to me grinning as he reaches out to grab my hair and pull me towards him.

"Whatever I want princess?"

"Yes, whatever you want Noah."

Trying not to show the pain I'm in I lean forward him as though I'm going to kiss him, he smiles at me, and I headbutt him in his nose hard he stumbles back grabbing his nose.

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