What if? #1

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What if my countryhumans au was south park?

Eric would be the US, Stan would be Ireland, Kyle would be Russia, Kenny would be Canada.

Just imagine


Mr Garrison: "Ok children let's start the day with a few new math problems, what's 5×2?"


Mr Garrison: "Come on children don't be shy, just give it your best shot."

Florida (Clyde): *raises hand*

Mr Garrison: "Yes Florida."

Florida: "Twelve?"

Mr Garrison: "Ok, now let's try to get an answer from someone who's not a complete r****d. Anyone? Come on don't be shy."

Russia: "I think I know the answer Mr Garrison!"

U.S.: *mocking*

Russia: "Shut up fat boy! >:("

U.S.: "Aye! Don't call me fat you fuckin jew! D:<"

Mr Garrison: "U.S. did you just say the f word?!"

U.S.: "Jew?"

Russia: "No he's talking about 'fuck', you can't say 'fuck' in school you fucking fat ass."

Mr Garrison: "Russia!"

U.S.: "Why the fuck not?"

Mr Garrison: "U.S.!"

Ireland: "Dude you just said 'fuck' again!"

Mr Garrison: "Ireland!"

Canada: *muffled* "fuck"

Mr Garrison: "Canada!"

U.S.: "What's the big deal, it doesn't hurt anybody, fuck fuckty fuck fuck fuck!"

Mr Garrison: "How would you like to see the school counselor!"

U.S.: "How you you like to suck my balls?"

*le gasp*

Mr Garrison: "What did you say?!"

U.S.: "O-oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, actually, what i said was- ahem" *megaphone* "How would you let me to suck my balls- Mr Garrison"

Ireland: "Holy shit, dude."


So yah, also the reason behind the character that each country "possesses" is because in my AU they act similar to how the characters in south park act

I'm sorry if this came off as somewhat offensive to you, that wasn't my intention :)

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