Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb

Start from the beginning


"I got serial numbers off the bugs we found in Brianna's office and called all the spy shops in Chicago. Guess who paid for them? Brianna's soon-to-be ex-husband, Jason Logan. I've got his work address here. JMC Fittings on West Augusta" Adam said. "Lindsay, Halstead, go pick him up" Voight said. As Jay left the room, Voight stopped Erin quickly. "Hey, make sure he doesn't break anything" he said to her. "Yeah" she replied.

When Jay and Erin got back with Jason, they kept him in custody just in case he ended up being apart of the robbery. "This is Frank Amerson, he's 51, he used to work as a bail bondsman. Now he's a P.I. making his bones spying on cheating spouses" Jay said. "You know, I read that something like 73% of men mess around on their wives" Adam said. "Where'd you read that" Al asked. "Playboy" Adam replied. "Of course you read that. You know, all that magazine does is sexualize women, and that's not okay" I say. "They took out the centerfold, right? What's the point" Kevin asked, causing him and Adam to fist bump. "Why do I even try" I ask. 

"Look, my point is, Amerson lives in Oak Park, makes a good living destroying marriages, I mean, why get into armed robbery" Adam asked. "I've seen a 65-year-old woman killed over a $2 lotto scratcher. We're talking six figures here" Erin said. "Yeah, we need to grab him up" Jay said. "I think we should take a breath, do our own counter-surveillance, see if we can make a concrete connection to this robbery" Voight said. "Look, I can be up on his phone in, like, two minutes" Mouse said. "Right. It won't take long. Ln, you and Ruzek, get eyes on this Sam Spade" Voight said.

While Adam and I were watching Amerson, Jay called and said to pick him up because apparently, based on his phone calls, he was involved. Adam and I walked over to his van and climbed in the back, with Adam pressing a gun to his neck as he reached for his gun a few feet away. "No, no, no, no, no, no. I wouldn't do that if I were you" Adam said as I grabbed Amerson's gun from the seat. "Who are you" Amerson asked. "Why are you so jumpy, Frank" I ask and show him my badge. "I'm watching a husband. I get made, you never know how they're going to react. I've got a concealed permit for that" Amerson said and gestured to his gun. "All right, fantastic. We'll figure that out down at the district. Why don't you step out of the car" Adam said.


"Hey. When did you get back" Jay asked me as I took a seat on his lap. "Just now. Voight and Antonio are talking to Amerson, which means I have a very short break. I figured I'd spend it with you" I say. "Well, I appreciate it" Jay said and pecked my lips. Just then, Voight and Antonio entered the bullpen, and I quickly got out of Jay's lap. "Halstead, gather the rest of the team. Amerson is setting up a meet with a guy named Collin Briggs. Ln, stay here and see if you can find anyone connected to Briggs that would be willing to be apart of his crew" Voight said. "Copy that" I say and head over to my desk.

The team went out and caught Briggs, but at the district, he said he wasn't going to give up the rest of his crew. However, that didn't matter because my digging had paid off. "So the car that Collin Briggs was driving belongs to 61-year-old Jacob Seeley. He lives in Will County, has a house right outside of Joliet" I say. "And I did a search, figuring the car was stolen, but it wasn't reported, and guess who Jacob Seeley's the father of" Mouse asked. "Brendan Seeley. He did a stretch in Pontiac for a string of strong-armed robberies where he used a hammer. Guess who his cellmate was? Collin Briggs" Erin said. "These are the Seeley brothers. Both have priors for weapons violations in Joliet" Adam said and pointed to the other pictures on the board. 

"That's him. That's the guy that killed Terry" Jay said and pointed at Brendan. "Looks like we've got our crew" Antonio said. "Want me to call Will County Sheriff" Erin asked. "Tell them we're on our way" Voight said. "Hey" I say and place a hand on Jay's shoulder. "We're going to get this guy. I promise."

At the house, we found the dad, Jacob Seeley, burying the body of one of the brothers. Once inside, we began to look around, and as we did, Brendan jumped from the second floor of the house and took off running. Jay chased after him while the rest of us stayed put. "Should I go after him" I ask. "Yeah. Go" Voight said to me. I ran out the back door, jumped the fence, and ran down the alley. When I looked both ways, I saw that the door of a warehouse was cracked open, so I went inside.

I clicked on my flashlight and held out my gun, peaking around the corner. I couldn't see anyone, but I could hear some scuffling. When I got deeper into the warehouse, I saw Jay standing over Brendan, his foot on Brendan's throat. Brendan also had a metal rod sticking out of his thigh. "I guess I'll call an ambo" I say, which alerted Jay of my presence. He took his foot off of Brendan's throat and turned around to face me, giving me a view of his face. He had a small cut along his cheekbone, but other then that, he looked fine. "Yeah. Take your time" he said.

That night, I headed into the locker room to grab my stuff and found Jay sitting on the floor by the sink, crying into his hands. I walked over to Jay and sat down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his knee. Without hesitation, he turned towards me and wrapped his arms around me before sobbing into my shoulder. All I did was sit there and let him cry because I knew that's what he needed. I couldn't understand what Jay went through while being a Ranger, and I never would. At times like these, the best thing to do was let him work out whatever he was feeling on his own, and if he wanted to talk about it, then I'd listen. However, at the moment, it didn't seem like Jay was in the mood to talk, and if that's what he wanted, then so be it.

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