"Fine. Suits you then. I won't help you if anything happens."

"Don't worry. I'll keep the update for you."

And Hanako went to find Yashiro to tell your stupid prank while you went to find Tsukasa.

Beep, beep! Tsukasa detected. The mission is starting!

You tried to wear your best frustrating face before called out the boy.


"(Y/n)~! I miss youuuu!"

Tsukasa flew towards you happily before hugged you tightly as he can. You frozed your body and kept your face straight. Tsukasa realised this and let you go.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" He stared at you while smiling widely.

You got this, (y/n)! You're the heroin in this book!


You cleared your throat before spoke. "I want to talk with you."

Tsukasa looked at you weirdly but he's still smiling. "About what?"

"About us."

Tsukasa's smile quickly disappeared after hearing your words. He finally stared at you with a serious face. "What about us?"

"I want to break up with you."

"Is this because of yesterday's prank?"

"Ye- NO!"

"Then what's wrong?"

"I.. Uh.."

You suddenly couldn't think of any reason when Tsukasa staring dead straightly at your eyes. His eyes were scary as hell that you couldn't speak anything.

"Hmm~? What's that?" Tsukasa suddenly smiled while tilted his head to the right.

And you knew that smile.

At this moment, (Y/n) knew she fucked up.

"Uh, nothing."


"You know what, I still want to live so fuck this shit." You finally gave up your prank and sighed.

"Hm?" Tsukasa still staring at you with his dead eyes, making you felt guilty and scared.

"Okay, I'm sorry! Stop looking at me like that! It was a prank!" You told him the truth while raising your hands to the air.

Tsukasa kept smiling and slowly went to you. You could literally feel a goosebumps and quickly took a step back.

Oh, how cliché. Suddenly, there's a wall behind you popped up out from nowhere (no, it just you that didn't realised the wall the whole time) just like in the anime. Your back met with the wall, making you stopped moving and Tsukasa finally right in front of you.

His face was dangerously close to yours that you can accidentally kiss him if you moved forward a little. And yes, the smile- He's still smiling.

"Uh.. Too near.."

He ignored you and kept smiling. He finally stopped when your nose and his met.

"Um, Tsukasa. C- can you move?"


You felt his right hand was snaking around your waist slowly and the other hand was touching your face.

Oh, god! I'm not ready for this! But, damn boi- He's looking hot doing this ehehehehe.

You mentally slapped your pervert-self and tried to concentrate at the boy who was smirking at you.

Tsukasa stared at your eyes for a moment before pulled you closer. Your lips were slowly nearing to his and you kept your eyes shut.

You waited for the kiss but it never came. You opened your eyes and saw Tsukasa tried his best not to laugh.


And he finally burst out laughing. He clutched his uniform so hard when he saw your clueless face.

"Your face is priceless, (y/n)!" He stopped laughing when you started to realise.

He was pranking you back.

"Tsukasa! That was not funny!" You shouted at him angrily. Well, you were actually angry because you didn't get to kiss him.

"That should be my lines. That was not funny at all, (y/n)." he replied with a serious tone.

"It was the payback for yesterday." You tried to defend yourself.

"No, you took it too far."

"Well, sorry about that-"

"Buuuut~ Even it was real, I won't let you go!" Tsukasa gave you a cute smile before hugged you.

"Wow, really? I'm touched."

"You are mine forever and ever. I won't let you happy if you're not with me~!"


You stayed like that for a minute before chuckled. Yeah, he's right. It's always him that make your whole life in chaos.

You hugged back the boy that been snuggled against you and smiled.



"My anime is starting in 20 minutes. I need to go home."

"Wtf, (y/n)?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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