"Well, her appearance doesn't seem to represent her personality at all, if I may say. She looked like she would be quite formal and well-mannered when in fact, she was the complete opposite," You point out. If anything, you were afraid of this woman as she seemed unpredictable, just like her countenance.

"I beg of you to just do as I say and to not speak unless spoken to when we are there. If it comes to the occasion where you must speak, speak as little as possible. You're lucky my father had fallen for such crap," He utters, fixing his outfit and dusting it off as the Agnes' palace came into view.

You have no response to this, not wanting to set off the young prince's temper as you already knew you were treading on thin ice. Not to mention, this job paid you incredibly well so it would be a shame to lose it before your first pay check.

Your eyes instead wander to the window sill once again, widening slightly at the palace. Unlike the gorgeous exterior of the palace back at home this one had tall stone walls. The building wasn't all that flamboyant, besides gold and silver statues or details scattered around. If anything, the place looked like a dungeon and was fairly intimidating. It seemed as though this whole area was focused on war and there could be an attack at any given moment.

As the pitch black ride goes through the towering gates, you get a peak of the front garden leading up to the main entrance. There were not many flowers, and if there were they were common or simple. This only added to the impression that this country didn't care too much about exterior and instead funding their military. After all, they had the strongest and largest military in the land.

The car brakes to a halt at the foot of the flight of stairs leading up the the main entrance. A butler rushes down the steps just in time to pull open the car door for Bastiaan, taking a deep bow as the prince steps out.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Trodour, your highness-!" Odile's excited greeting to Bastiaan is cut off by a man with a horn in his hand, announcing his title.

"His Royal Highness, Bastiaan Chevalier Fitzgerald D'Aramitz, Prince of Ophnosleanade," The heavily armed guard proudly announced, appearing as if he had not a care in the world that he had cut off royalty.

Clearing her throat, Odile proceeds to run down the steps and pounce upon Bastiaan, to which he swiftly dives out of the way. She falls past him, her eyes squeezing shut as she awaits the impact of the stairs. However, it never came as Bastiaan tightly gripped onto her hand before proceeding to pull her back onto the stability of ground.

"You- You didn't let me fall?" Odile asks questioningly, her eyes seeming to sparkle just from the fact that Bastiaan had treated her like a decent human being.

"Should I have let you fall then?" He retorts plainly, not thinking much of his action. Hand on his hip and an annoyed look on his face, Bastiaan's head cranes to the main entrance. The guards and butlers waiting there seemed to tense up under his supervision, seeming more afraid of him than their own princess.

Odile appeared to be wearing black, unlike her usual choice of vibrant colours. It was obvious that she was attempting to pull off a matching outfit with Bastiaan without letting him know beforehand. Quite miffed by this action but deciding not to point it out, Bastiaan remained silent.

Odile grew anxious at the glare in his eyes and began twiddling her thumbs. It seemed like he had noticed her outfit, and perhaps it was a poor move of her to make. As this all occurred, you were watching from the car. The scene was quite entertaining for you, so much so that it had slipped your mind to get out of the car.

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