Hogwarts Express

376 6 6

September 1

Y/n PoV

All of us woke up early and went to King Cross Station. I went through the wall and entered Platform 9 3/4. I saw Cedric so I ran up and hugged him from behind, "Hello."

He started laughing, "Hi Y/n."

"What's so funny?"


"That's mean." I said with a pout.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."


His friends approached us and one named Jake said, "Oh look it's the golden couple of Hogwarts."

"Oh shut it Jake."

"I'm not wrong."

"Yeah but you're annoying."

"I still don't know why Cedric chose you."

"And I don't know why he's your friend but here we are."

"Okay you two let's get on the train."

"Hey Cedric I promised the twins I'd sit with them so I have to go."

"Okay I'll see you later."

"Bye." He waved and went onto the train. Once I boarded the Hogwarts Express and I saw Lee.

"Hey Lee."

"Y/n!" he said while hugging me.

"How was your summer?"

"The same as usual. You?"

"Interesting as usual."

"Ahh so what or who was it this year."

"I think the twins will tell you."

"That bad?"

"I mean it could've been."

We went into the compartment we usually went in to see Angelina and Alicia. "Hey Angelina Alicia."

"Hi Y/n. Hey Lee." Alicia said.

"Hey do you know where the twins are?"

"Knowing them probably making someone remember them." We all started laughing, "So how was your summer."



Fred and George walked in, "Hello everyone."

"Hey you two. So," Angelina said, "how was your summer."

"Well it started great then went downhill." Fred said.

Lee was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well you see," George started. "It started great we made a new creation the we had to pick up the Potters."

Everyone turned to me, "You can't blame me you didn't say you were taking the Floo Network and you decided to give Dudley the Toffee."

"Anyway," George continued, "we used the Floo powder to get to them and the fire place was boarded up. Also, gave her cousin a toffee we and it made his tongue grow. And we went to the Quidditch World Cup."

"I heard about the attack that happened afterwards. Where you guys there then?" Lee stated.

I said, "Yeah."

"What happened?" Alicia asked.

"Well multiple people I died. I got hit with the Cruciatus Curse. Also the Dark Mark was summoned."

Harry's Sister (Fred x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя