He buried his red face into his hands, not believing he'd been embarrassed by such thoughts. He just wanted to melt into a puddle and disappear from the face of the earth. Fucking no tits girl made him this nervous wreck.

"Ayato kun?" she looked at him, plucking her earbuds from her ears, his attention now drawn again towards her bare neck. She tilted her head to her side, a bit surprised. "You look like you just choked on something."

"Mind your own business." He didn't how harsh his words sounded. He just wanted to rip her into shreds for making him feel things he didn't want to.

She did look a bit offended, but didn't react to him. He wanted her to fire back some awful comment at him. He'd at least get some excuse to overpower her and fucking rip the assignment to pieces as he pounded into her, making love to her-

He sat up, facing away from her.

This whole idea was bullshit. Yui and her fucking takoyaki with chicken teriyaki. He couldn't handle the sexual tension, but he absolutely hurt inside seeing her oblivious to the effect she had on him. He should have waited till they were in school at least. The school library had plenty of space for them to sit in peace and study. He wanted to just sit in silence with her as they tackled through math problems for once. He'd thought spending time with her would ease his longing a bit, but now that he had crossed that threshold, he wanted to do more, be more to her. He scribbled the first few steps of the solution before he became aware of Yui's warm breath over the nape of his neck. She leaned over on him, her earbuds close enough for him to hear the song in her mp3 playing a cheerful melody.

"I think you need to multiply it by 3 on both sides to proceed." She takes his pen from his sweaty hands, her thin fingers slowly prying it from his death grasp and marking 3 on both the sides of the equation.

He took in a shaking breath, her honeysuckle sending waves of pleasure through his body. He snatched the pen from her, and finished the solution, writing the value of x and underlining. "Whatever. I want the takoyaki ready, I did the work."

She ruffled his hair, and said, "Good boy!"

He slapped her hand away and pouted. She smiled at him and went back to her book. Damn, only if he had caught her by the hand and stole a little kiss. Now that would have been a real fantasy for him. He turned to her, his head cocked to a side as he spoke, "You listen to sissy songs."

She raised her eyebrows. Looking up from her book, she said, "You seem irritated, Ayato kun."

How dare her comment on him being irritated. He'd held down the urge to push her on the bed and fuck the daylights out of her, and she had to poke a finger at his ego once again.

She smiled and went back to her reading, as he lifted himself up from her bed. "Pancake." His voice was hasty and urgent. "Ta-ko-ya-ki."

She shut her book and tossed it out of her lap. He found his gaze lingering there, wondering how she'll taste there.

"You're a child, Ayato kun," she climbed off the bed, slipping on her sandals as she looked at him, confused.

"What?" he asked, forcing himself to look up at her.

"You look at me weird."

He knotted his eyebrows. She was that dumb.

"Don't bother about it," he said, crossing his arms, and choosing to stare at the ground instead. She gave him a confused look, and turning around so he had the perfect view of her ass. Damn, he smiled to himself as she rushed out of the room. He thought of giving her a bit of helping hand. He walked in ease out of the room, even though the thought of staying in her proximity made his heart start up with excitement.


Laito rested his head against the window ledge, looking at the human girl rush towards the kitchen, Ayato following behind her like a loyal guard dog. Even though Laito clearly lusted for the petite blond haired girl's body, he saw some rationality in Ayato's actions. When you start to feel too much for your blood source, there was little others could do to pull you back up. He smiled as he saw them both brush up against each other, Ayato arguing with her as she prepared batter for something. Ayato had a knack for making people dance on his tunes, whether they liked it or not. Reiji came up from behind him, almost scaring him.

"Jeez Reiji, you're a creep."

"Says who?" Reiji pushed his glasses back, his glove on his left hand as always. "Last time I checked, I don't derive sexual gratification from animal documentaries."

"That was once," Laito said, dismissing the argument.

"Nevertheless, I came here to tell you about the plan. In detail."

Laito stole a glance at the couple below, obviously enjoying their time. He felt a bit of jealousy as Ayato clasped his fingers around Yui's tawny arms, and she let him drag her to the stove. Yui looked more lively and vivacious, as though some new energy had made home in her heart. Laito looked at Reiji's stern expression.

"Let me guess, you're going to punish them for coming late yesterday?"

"It's necessary." Reiji held his usual air of no nonsense around him. "Once you let these insolents do whatever they want, they'll just go ahead and betray you."

"Who would want to stay with you anyway?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing," Laito said, letting Reiji take the lead. "You first."

𝕯𝖎𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘: 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ