Intro: The New Kid on the Block

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I remember when I first moved to Fayetteville. I hated everything and mainly my mom for accepting the new job here. The only thing I didn't dislike was my new room, and the only reason I didn't dislike it was because my mom let me decorate it myself. Considering the fact that I was turning 16 in a few months, I didn't want the flower and princess theme that my mom wanted me to have. I settled with a sea foam green as my wall color, polished wood dressers and bed frame, & a nice full body mirror to go on the outside of my closet. I mean it wasn't much but I like it because it's mine. I remember the first day we moved in my mom and dad kept yelling for me, like they didn't have any other willed and able child. Every time I get comfortable all I'd hear is.

"Eva Alexandria Marie get your butt in here!" my mom yelled at the top of her lungs like she was loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. But the angel in me decided to get up anyway because if I didn't she would start yelling more.

"Yes ma'am," I called as I walked down the hall.
"Finish getting your stuff and don't forget to help your brother unpack."
I swear she treats that brat like he's two but honestly this isn't the story of how Jermaine and I fell in love. It really began after all of the moving and my wonderful sweet 16 ended.

I remember the first day I went to walk around the neighborhood with my little brother Tye. Tye is 8 years old, now when I was 8 my mom would let me go out and play with my friends but of course the baby has to be well... babied. So he just had to tag along, and ruined my first impression with Jermaine. Which unfortunately he remembers to this day.

Tye and I were walking around the neighborhood talking about how shitty this new school year would be, when we turned on Forest Hills Drive. I'm going to pause here because yes Forest Hills Drive is a real street, and I lived like two streets over on Stamper Road. But back to the story... So as I was walking down Forest Hills Drive with my little brother trailing behind me on his bike, and I spotted little ole Jermaine. He looked bad as hell because he was mostly but he was also real cute. He had this demeanor about him that was so attractive even at the age of 16. So as Im passing by his house my bad ass little brother decides to ride his bike into my heel. Not only did it hurt like shit but I fell and bust my lip and nose. Jermaine sat on his patio laughing, like the shit was funny, and I got up and tried to play it cool. It didn't help though that my little brother laughed and kept going. So as Jermaine and Tye laughed at my pain, I dusted myself off and tried to limp back to my street. By the time I got back home my mom was yelling at my brother for leaving me by myself, which I was rather satisfied about. When she saw my face and ankle she popped him on the back of the head and started to tend to my needs. She swore up and down that I need to go to the doctor but I refused. I was going to have to go to a new school in two weeks and I refused to be in a cast. So I cleaned myself up and rapped it up myself. I didn't need her help.

Meanwhile two streets over Jermaine was telling all of little friends about how this new shorty with long hair, brown skin, with a fat ass bust her shit. Now if you are a real J. Cole fan you'll realize that reference but anywho. I wouldn't find out that he was running his mouth until a few weeks after school started.

At this point of that year it was still hot and we didn't have to wear uniform so I had to impress. The last thing on my mind that day though was dress to meet the love of your life; no I got dressed to not get picked on. At my old school if you didn't dress nice on the first day, you should expect to be check from head to toe. Don't get me wrong I was never into being in the "popular" crowd but I also wasn't going to be ostracized. It was already bad enough that my nose was still bruised with a slightly swollen lip. I mean my lip were big before so it wasn't that noticeable but still I knew. I didn't know what I was going to wear to school the next day. Choosing a first day outfit sucks. I mean you have cute, yet layed back. I really didnt have time the time for that. When I went to sleep that night I had one thing in mind: be the best and look like the best.

The next day I woke up at 5:35 am. Yes it was early as hell but I didn't care because I needed to decide my outfit, do my make-up, and hair. I picked out my favorite pair of jeans, a baby doll tank top, and some flip-flops. I tried to put a little make-up over my bruised nose and put some baby pink lip gloss on. Now for my hair I flat ironed it so it would look longer and pinned one side back. On a regular day I would've just worn a puff ball but it was a new school and a new year. The school year of 2000 was going to treat me good or so I thought.

I arrived at school to people running around hugging each other. Myself on the other hand was trying to make a beeline to the main office so I could get my schedule before everybody came inside. I looked at my schedule and I had the normal junior year classes, English III, Algebra II, Chemistry, US History, Choir, and two more filler classes. My classes went pretty well that day. Made 3 new friends that I took most of my classes with. Honestly my first day seemed rather successful until my last class of the day, Algebra II. Some how I got put in a mostly male class with who else but the bad ass kid that laughed at me when I bust my shit a few weeks ago.

Now when I walked to Ms. Dalton class bell had already rang, so I had to walk in on the middle of her talking. Honestly, at that moment I didn't care as much as I should've I was just ready to go home. So as I walked in and introduced myself and why I was so late all I heard from the back of the class was, "DAMN SHE GOT A FAT ASS!" Now back home I would've cursed out everyday in that class just because they chuckled but I was starting new. So that meant behaving, but I wasn't going out with him just disrespecting me so turned around and said, "Excuse me?"

Thats when I saw him again, for the second time, little old Jermaine..


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