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A/N: Check out some of my other books too^^

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Yells the blonde-haired demon prince catching attention of some confused people who were passing by.

Bakugou Katsuki, one of the demon princes of the underworld.

As of the moment, the blonde-haired boy had been casted away because of an enemy that goes by the name: Tomura Shigaraki.

Despite being of the same kind, Shigaraki was part of a rebellion team against The King of the Underworld, Satan.

Although Bakugou lived long for centuries, he never successfully learned how to transfer to other worlds since he was too dependent on his subordinates.

So when he was casted to the human world by Shigaraki just today, he knew he was in deep shit for he doesn't know how to return.

Cursing under his breath, he almost burnt the place with his hellish flames.

He mutters grumpily. "I'll give that son of a bitch a fucking piece of-"

"Hey Mr. Blondie!!" A young girl's voice calls him.

Bakugou turned to look around but saw no one calling for him.

Until he looked down and saw a H/C-haired young girl hugging his leg.

She raised her head making her E/C-colored eyes lock with his ruby ones.

He pauses for a while feeling something spark in him, though he quickly brushed it off.

Clicking his tongue, he glares at the kid. "Scram off kid."

Only then did he realize how messy she looked. Dirt on her cheeks and her hair had twigs and small leaves sticking out.

"You looked like you needed a hug."

Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows.

Was this how humans interact with each other upon introduction?

Then you pulled away. "Come follow me. Brother always buy me ice cream whenever I feel angry." You smiled.

"Ice... cream?"

Suddendly did you grab his hand with your small ones, so you were basically dragging Bakugou from behind.

And since he was taller than you, he had to bend making him pretty pissed.

Just when he was about to kill you, your hand let go of his before pointing at an ice cream truck.


"Look! Ice cream!" You grinned, completely ignoring him.

His eyebrow twitches as he watches you skip towards the truck.

Not knowing what else to do, Bakugou groaned before following you in front of the vehicle.

"Ah! Y/N!" A young adult man with blonde hair wearing an ice cream printed apron exclaims, smiling.

"Mr. Fatgum!! Good afternoon~"

Taishiro Toyomitsu is his real name. But Fatgum was what he goes by during work so you call him that.

"My, you look messy Y/N. Where have you been again?"

You looked away. "Somewhere.. doing something.. but thats not the point!"

"Point is, I brought along a friend with me!" You pointed Bakugou.

"Hah?" The blonde furrowed his eyebrows.

Judging by the aura and in his guts, Fatgum felt like the 'man' was dangerous.

"Are you sure you're his friend Y/N-chan? Because two days ago you made 'friends' with a muggler... Do you want me to call the police again?" He worriedly whispers to you.


Although he didn't know what a police meant, he was pretty sure that the vendor was trying to offend him.

"Don't worry Mr. Fatgum! This time, I'm pretty sure he's just lost." You smiled cheekily.

"Then what's his name..?"

You pause for a moment, clueless, before turning to Bakugou. "Hey mister what's your name again?"

"Oh dear..." Fatgum sighs.

"Doesn't matter. All you have to know is that I hold no significance in your life." Bakugou spat.

"I asked for your name, not how you'd be of importance to me." You chuckled.

That actually caught him off guard.

For a kid, you were good with words. He had to give you that.

His ruby eyes stared intently.

"Bakugou Katsuki." He grumbled.

Your eyes twinkled. "Wow~!! Such a cool name! I'm calling you Tsukki!"

(A/N: Yamaguchi is shaking)


"I'm L/N Y/N, but call me Y/N!"

"What's up with you, weird kid." Bakugou spat.

Fatgum just sighed at the scene.

And when you were about to order, you forgot something so you turned ro the demon.

"Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor?"

"What..?" He looked confused. "Uh, I don't."

Then you turned back to Fatgum. "Can I have two (Favorite Ice-cream Flavor) please?"

You smiled, before handing him enough money.

Since Fatgum knows the stranger's name, he shook his head.

"Do sit close where I can see you Y/N." He says, scooping the ice cream on top of the cones.

You nodded. "I will."

. . .

"Here are your ice creams, enjoy." He hands out while you thanked him.

Fatgum then turned to the ruby-eyed man, frowning. "Please don't harm Y/N or I won't hesitate to call the cops... And don't curse in front of her if you may."

Another foreign word which he had no clue what it meant.

After parting with the icecream vendor and his truck, you both sat down on a bench where Fatgum could see you.

Tasting his ice cream, Bakugou's eyes widened before immediately taking more.

"Holy shit." He muttered to himself, addicted to the taste.

He never tried anything so sweet in his entire life as a demon.

Because after all, what they eat is... somewhat gruesome...

Anyway, you giggled at his reaction making him turn to you and smirk. "Not fucking bad at all."

"Don't eat it with your teeth or too fast though! You'll get a brain freeze." You warned.

"That's not gonna stop the great Prince Bakugou." He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly challenging the ice cream.

You puckered your lips, "Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess... But don't tell me I didn't warn you!!"

'Is this actually a curse that casts a spell of insomnia? Whatever, I can go for days without sleep anyway.' He thoughts to himself, unknown to the phrase.

The man then lunged to bite the ice cream only then to jump out of shock.

Thus did he lost to a delicacy.


"A what now..?"

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his bride // k.bakugou auWhere stories live. Discover now