The journey

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After two long, tiring hours of venturing in the forest, we finally stopped to rest. I've never traveled this far into the forest before. I was exhausted even though Tyler and James both took turns carrying me the second half of the way. The stars were shinning, beautifully. My father and I use to lay on the grass and just stare into the gorgeous, shinning night sky as thoughts would swarm our heads. I miss him, so much. Maybe Dad was now one of those shinning stars. Jack interrupted the many thoughts in my head and asked, "Anyone know what time it is? We've been walking for two hours!"
"1:23am," Uncle John informes him. I'm so tired. I'm use to staying up this late on weekends, but all this walking exhausted me. How much longer and where the hell are we even going?
"Mason," I started trying to gain his attention as he was trying to start a fire.
"Yes, princess?"
"Where are we going? What if they catch up with us? What about dad? What are we going to do? What the next alpha? Would that be Uncle John? What's going to happen?" I began to rapidly ask him as he just sighed and paused for a moment before answering.
"We're going to Dark Moon pack, since we have an alliance with them. They should be able to provide us shelter. The next alpha of the pack would be Uncle John seeing as he's the beta meaning I would take on the role of beta," Mason answered as he sat back taking in the warmth of the fire, "get some rest. It's going to be okay. I promise." And with that, I feel asleep in Tyler's arms all cozy and warm. He placed his jacked over me and stroked my head, reassuring it was all going to be alright. All I could do is hope and trust in my uncle and my brothers. The last thing I saw before my eyes shut, was a shooting star across the night sky.

~time lapse~
I groaned as I was begging to be awoken. As I opened my eyes, I saw the sky and...trees moving?
"Good morning babygirl," a voice said softly into my ear. It took me a moment, but I realized I was being carried by Mason as they continued to walk into the woods. He slowly put me down and gently grabbed my hand.
"Oh, look sleeping beauty up," Tyler joked looking at me from in front of the group.
"What time is it?" I asked rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes.
"Around 11:30," Uncle John responded.
"Woah, I slept that late? Why didn't you guys wake me up?" I asked. I felt a little guilty Mason was carrying me, while I was sleeping.
"We went to bed late, baby. You were tired and needed your rest. We've only been walking for about an hour and a half," Mason informes me as I saw a house not so far in the distance. Suddenly, wolves began to surround us. Mason and the others remained clam, as I on the other hand, didn't react so well. I clutched Mason hand as I pulled myself closer to his chest. How the hell aren't they freaking out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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