playing a little game

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Me: ok so we are playing a game called "Never Have I Ever"!

Severus: How dose it work?

Me: ok! Example: I will say never have I ever kill some one-

Harry: *raise hand*

Ron: *puts his hand down*

Me: .... Never have I ever killed someone and you raise your hand if you did and if you never did it don't raise your hand.

Remus: Sounds fun.

Me:ok let begin!

Me: *picks a card out from the cup*

Me: Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.

Harry , Draco, and Hermione: * raise hands*

Severus: Let me guess Lockhart?

Draco and Hermione: Yes.

Harry: Nope.

Ron: Who then.

Harry: That's a secret!

James: I never had a crush on a teacher.

Lily: never had.

Remus: Nope.

Sirius: Never.

Me: Ok Never. *Picks out a card*

Me: Never have I ever been caught snogging.

Harry: *raise hand*

Everyone: *looks at Harry*

Harry: What?

Remus: Who was it?

Harry: Cedric.

Ron: When were you and Cedric dating?

Harry: It was a secret but he died...

Draco: Oof.

James: I haven't been caught snogging.

Sirius: Then who was that boy in are third year then? ;)

James: ........

Severus: *gets nervous*

Me: *laughs*

Me: I know who it was!

Me: it's-

Addison: *covers my mouth*

Addison: Hi Sev!

Severus: Hey Addi.

Hermione:. Who is she?

Addison: I'm Addison Eileen Prince Snape. Also Severus's sister!

Lily: You have a sister!?

Severus: Yeah.

Me: ok back to the games.

Addison: Can I play!

Me: Sure! * Picks a card*

Me: Never have I ever thought of Harry as Severus and James child...

Lily , James , Severus: *gets nervous*

Ron: Kinda...

Draco: *raise hand* I have multiple times.

Severus: yeah and it's not true.

Lily: Yeah....

Me: * raise hand* All the time.

Harry: * Raise hand*

Everyone: * looks at him *

Harry: What?

Sirius: why would you think that.

Remus: Plus you do have Lily's eye.

Harry: Well. *Takes a book from is bag*

Harry: This book says, and I quote " It is a proven fact that children can have different eye colors, because of there aunt sisters. There for it can be easy for someone to make it look like your blood child."

Harry:*closes book*


Hermione: I didn't know you can read!

Harry: Well I can.

Sirius: I starting think Snape is your birth mother.

Addison: The reminds me show me pregnancy test in your room

Severus: It could be mom's or Lola's.

Addison: True.

Me: ok next! * Picks a card*

Me: Never have I Ever- *laughs a bit* climbed a tree to get Severus's attention.

Addison: * raise hand * All the time.

Sirius: James.

James: I tried back it didn't go well...

Lily: I got a lip jinx on Sev that's why.

James: Fuck you lily.

Me: Hahah!

Draco: what?

Harry: the one of my going to Hogwarts tho.

(The end)

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