Modeus x Male sin of greed reader : The Lustful And The Greedy

Start from the beginning

Lucifer stood from her seat and slowly paced around the room, arms folded and eyes narrowed.

"Since you apparently don't know, let me enlighten you all as to what is happening, so listen closely." The sins scooted closer in the seats, paying close attention to what Lucifer had to say, all but Y/n who instead favoured flipping his signature coin that he carried everywhere, though he was still listening.

"Around three months ago, near the main entrance of hell where Cerberus patrols, they reported seeing a gateway leading to the mortal realm open up. The triplets quickly sealed the portal a few seconds after its opening and filed a report. Last month we had six reports of six different gateways opening at random locations, with some stray deer, antelope, human and even a lion coming through the portals."

"What happened to the lion?" Adonis asked abruptly. This came as no surprise to the other sins, as they knew of her love for feline creatures.

"Oh? I gave it to Lazarus since he asked me for it."

Said demon was smiling cheekily, while the sin of envy was looking at him with a jealousy so intense that it would put Yanderes to shame.

She really wanted a pet lion.

"Now, as I was saying. The things that came through the portals were minor inconveniences that were easily dispatched of, but just three days ago a platoon of mortal soldiers came in through a newly opened gateway. A couple of demons were injured with one even dying, along with some heavy destruction to property, but in the end we were able to subdue and kill the mortal intruders."

The whole room was quiet, even Y/n had stopped flipping his coin and was now completely taken by Lucifer's words. For a few moments, nobody said anything. Even though the other demons were weaker than the sins, it was still exceedingly difficult to kill a demon, so the fact a demon had died to a platoon of soldiers was alarming, and it was even more worrying since the population of the mortal world was ten times the size of hell's population. If the mortals were to invade Hell, who knows how many demons would die. The sin of wrath and leader of the sins; Skolar, was the first to speak.

"So, you want us to try and stop these portals from opening?" Y/n questioned the queen. Like it was mentioned before, Y/n may act incompotent but he wasn't stupid, he was far more careful than any of the others and paid very close attention when others thought him to be messing around. Even the sin of greed knew how dangerous the mission was.

"No, not stop them, rather just close as many as you can find and make sure that no one else gets hurt. I'll send out a team later on to try and scout the source of these anomalies and hopefully be able to use their power for our own uses in the near future."

"With all due respect Lucifer, why send us of all demons? Surely there are others just as capable or maybe more capable than us?" Skolar argued.

"Because I know that you all can look after yourselves in the case that danger decides to present itself."

Lucifer plopped back into her seat with a newly filled wine glass that had materialised from thin air. She took a sip before lowering it just a bit so skolar could see her glaring at him.

"And Skolar, don't question my decisions next time. I want you to remember that I do everything with reason."

"I understand, Miss morningstar." Skolar replied. Lucifer nodded at his obedience.

"Listen up everyone!" She suddenly shouted. "Before we start, I will assign each of you an area. The area I assign you is where you will patrol for the next couple of days. You are not to leave these areas unless it is of urgent importance or unless you are filing a report. Do I make myself clear?"

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