Liam had his flaws, but I know he would've made a great father in the long run. He cared about Eliza more than he cared about anyone, and I knew this because that's how I felt with Lydia. I could see it on his face, how greatly he adored her.

She loved him too.

When I met Eliza, I was under the impression that she wasn't the type to settle down with anyone. I wasn't either, so I got where she was coming from.

But then she met Liam, and now that I think about it....they were soulmates. They were meant to find each other.

As I look back on the past two years, I realize that my entire perspective on life has changed.  I don't live to die anymore. I live for the moment and I live for one thing, the thing that has kept me going for these two years.

I don't thirst for the thrill of being chased. I've discovered that my life has value. And I owe it all to one person.

I met Lydia White in an alley behind a diner, of all places. From that moment on she changed my life.

She got me over my drug addiction.
She showed me that I was capable of being loved.
She gave me the ability of loving someone.
And, she gave me the honor of falling for someone so incredible.

I fall deeper in love with her every time I look at her face, or every time she says my name. I'm head over heels and that hasn't changed since day one.

And now, after all this time, after all we've been through...the tiny, blonde-haired girl I fell in love with is going to be my wife and the mother of my child.

"Can you believe you're about to be a father?" Niall asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shake my head. "I don't think I'll believe it until the kid is fucking thirty years old." I joke.

"Well you chose to do it with the right person, at least. You did that right, for sure." Louis butts in, taking a drag from his cigarette.

My lips curl and I look down at my interlocked hands resting on the island. "Yeah. She's gonna be a good mum." I smile to myself.

"And you are gonna be a good dad. I honestly don't doubt it for a second." Niall says.

I really hope he's right.

"I agree." Louis says, taking me by surprise a little bit. I furrow my brows and look at him, tilting my head.

He catches my surprised stare and shrugs. "I'd tell you if I thought otherwise, but I don't. You will be a good father, you just need to put your head into it."

I think it was a good move handing the gang over to Louis, because he was right. I need to focus on being a good, present father.

The guys and I say goodnight and head up to bed. I was in a positive mood, despite everything happening in our lives right now.

I just wanna put all my energy into Lydia and our baby that will be here soon.

I walk into the bedroom quietly, because I didn't know if Lydia was sleeping or not.

I see her body wrapped in the covers, moving up and down slightly from her breathing.

I take off my jeans and shirt, tossing them on the floor next to the bed. I crawl in next to Lydia in just my boxers.

She shifts and turns to face me, waking up. "Hi." she smiles.

"Didn't meant to wake you. Sorry." I mumble, laying down and looking at her, our heads at leveled height.

She shakes her head. "No, it's okay. I wanted you to be the last thing I see before I fall asleep anyway." she says, making me smirk.

I bring my hand up to her hair and start stroking it down her shoulders. "How are you feeling?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Fine, actually." she pauses for a moment and flicks her tired blue eyes between mine and sighs. "I'm sorry I've been such a nightmare lately." she pouts her bottom lip in sincerity.

I laugh under my breath. "I probably deserved it."

She rolls her eyes. "Stooppp." she whines. "Let me apologize. I'm sorry." she says while chuckling.

I smile as her teeth pop through her plump lips and her eyes crinkle up. She wore that infamous smile upon her glowing skin that I adored so much.

"You're so beautiful." I mumble, tracing her facial features with my thumb, running it across her bottom lip.

She grabs my wrist softly and takes it away from her face to interlock my fingers with her own.

"You are, too." she smiles.

That was another thing about Lydia. She saw the beauty in me when no one else did.

I smile at her words and lean in to plant my lips onto hers.

She kisses me back, our eyes shutting softly as our lips moved in a loving harmony.

She brings her other hand to my bicep, her fingers running up and down my skin slowly. I put my own free hand on the side of her face, on her jawline.

She tasted freshly of mint from toothpaste. She bit down very gently on my lip, tangling her hands in my thick hair.

My stomach was fluttering with something more passionate than desire. I just wanted to show her how much she meant to me.

"Lyds-" I pant into her lips.

Suddenly, she freezes. She just stops everything. Her lips stop against mine and she pulls away, her eyes wide.

"W-what is it?" I ask, watching her in concern.

She glances down at her stomach that was hidden under the covers, then looks back at me with the same wide-eyed expression.

"Harry..." she says, almost scared.

I scan her face with my eyes also wide in worry.

"M-my water just broke."

whoop there it is.

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