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Many years had passed and the incident had long passed. They graduated and became pro heroes. The top hero chart was as predicted by the teachers. Pro hero Deku was number one follow closely by his boyfriend Shoto. 

Spot number three belonged to Suneater, which was shocking to many but in spite of everyone around him he overcame his anxiety (for the most part). Spot four belonged to Lemillion, many joked about how the number one and two heroes were dating alone with spots three and four. 

Spot five belonged to some explosive bitch who is an asshole.

Tamaki and Mirio has moved into a decent sized apartment and they adopted two cats, one named Toast and another named Bread. They were Mirio's idea for the names, he insisted they get another cat named toaster but they decided two was enough for now.

They were still very close with Nejiri whom was now the number six hero, but it was predicted the little bitches fame would soon die so Nejiri would take spot number five.

She came over at least once a week just to talked and she had found a girlfriend to live with and they settled down in their own cute apartment.

It had been six years since they graduated and Mirio was planning on popping the big question. He planned to bring Tamaki to that cute cat cafe and then head back home where he'd propose. It may not seem so romantic, but Mirio knew Tamaki would rather have a romantic night at home than in public.

Everything was set up. He had a reservation thanks to a little help from Nejiri so they could sit in their favorite seat.

"Baby, wake up its already noon" Mirio was attempting to get Tamaki to get up so they could head out. Nejiri had also planned some fun shopping for them before they went to the cafe so Mirio wanted to make sure they had enough time.

"Noooooooo" Tamaki pulled the blanket up further and buried his head into the pillows as he refused to get up. He knew he wouldn't be able to say no to Mirio for long but he could try.

"We have a fun day planned common" When there was no response from Tamaki, Mirio resorted to drastic measures. He got up off of the bed and walked out of the room.

Tamaki looked up and waited for Mirio to come back in. When he heard the front door open and close he started to freak out and jumped out of bed and ran down the hall.

Just as Tamaki ran out of the room, Mirio jumped out behind him and pulled him into a hug. "That's one way to get you out of bed" Tamaki glared at Mirio but melted into the hug.

"No matter how much I'd love to just sit here with you all day, we have a few small errands to run before we can have a lazy day.

Tamaki nodded and walked into their bedroom. Mirio was already dressed so he just waited in the living room. Tamaki walked out a few minutes later wearing a light grey sweater and dark grey jeans.

They walked out the door and walked down to the shops where Nejiri was waiting for them. They looked at some clothes, bought a few and then walked down to the cat cafe.

"Where are we going?" Mirio just smiled as they turned the corner and he opened the door to the cafe. "But the sign says they're closed-"

"Ah Mirio, Tamaki. Welcome welcome. I know you just asked for a seat but we decided that you deserve the whole restaurant to yourselves"

Tamaki blushed as they sat down in the seat overlooking the whole city. The cherry blossom trees were all blooming all over the city.

They order the same ice cream they did all those years ago and reminisced on all they had been through, well at least everything but the one thing they didn't like to talk about.

An hour later they walked out hand in hand. It was almost five and the sun had just barely began to set. The streets glowed orange as cherry blossom petals fell all around them as a light breeze blew through the trees.

They arrived back at their apartment and changed into comfier clothes before laying down the couch and snuggling up. They ordered some delivery and turned on some movie but they payed more attention to each other.

They ate their dinner and watched another movie before heading into their room to head to bed. As Tamaki was grabbing a few blankets, Mirio pulled the ring box out of the drawer and asked Tama to come over there.

Mirio kneeled on both knees and quoted one of Tamaki's favorite songs knowing it would make him happy, along with adding a few of his own lines.

"I love you more and more each day. To love is not to leave, so hear me when I say. I may not be wise, and I won't save the day but look in my eyes, and know I'll always stay and I won't run away. I won't run away from you, so please I need to know, will you stay here and make this house a home with me?"

The wedding was small but beautiful. Only close friends and relatives. Nejiri almost cried several times before and during the wedding until they said their vows and she finally broke down. They danced and did weddingly things. It was a moment neither of them would ever forget.

They went through so much, but in the end, no matter how much shit got in the way, or all the villains that tried to kill them, they made it through, together.

They adopted a child, one they had saved. They helped keep her quirk under control. People asked if they would give her a new name, but Eri just fit right. They did end up getting a third cat and named it toaster.

They planed to live out their days saving others and taking care of Eri, loving each other and never leaving each other's side. And Mirio kept his word. He never ran away, he always stayed, though life was tough at times, they could get through it by looking at the simple things. Like how a light blue butterfly could land so delicately upon a cherry blossom.

Such an innocent creature.


They look so delicate.

So kind

and beautiful.

But they are just as deadly as any villain.

🎉 Ai terminat de citit 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪 🎉
𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓪Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum