Kicking Down Coat Hangers

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(Kwazii POV)

Me an Peso had probably one of the best nights together in awhile. Still, he has been working his flippers off and I can't have him half asleep on his own birthday!

"Aye Peso, you should go get some rest. Sure I've wished you happy birthday, but you'll need some energy when everyone else wishes you as well."

"Okay okay, I'll go to bed. Goodnight Kwazii!"

"G'night matey"

As I left, I caught that adorable cute little smile Peso always makes. Arrg! Why does he always have to be so adorable and cute and nice. If I could stay, I would've, but I'd hate to be the one ruining his birthday. Anyways, I take the octochute down to the launch bay to update Tweak on everything that's happened. 

"Aye Tweak, guess what!"

Tweak jumped out of her bed, startled. She must've fallen asleep while I was with Peso. 

"Oh, Kwazii, it's you. You scared me there! Anyways, how'd it go? What happened? I see y'all have been hanging out for the past few hours."

I haven't always been that close with Tweak, but as she is the only other gay on the ship, she's the only person who I've been able to talk to about these things. I mean, Peso's also gay, but for obvious reasons I can't talk to him about it. Tweak's been helping me work this whole situation with Peso out. She helped me collect the photos and make the book for Peso. She seems to enjoy it, and I'm not complaining.

"Well... let's just say... HE LOVED IT!" I reply almost too excitedly. I may or may not have started dancing and jumping around. We don't talk about that. 

"HAH! I told you he'd like it! Didn't I?"

"Yes, yes you did matey. And I couldn't be any happier that you were right!"

Honestly, I wish I got to know Tweak earlier, she's the best. I mean, she's the first and only person who I've properly come out to, and she was so unbelievably nice about it.


You've got this Kwazii, come on, just get it over with. It's not a big deal, Tweak's a lesbian herself, she'll understand. You'll be fine. It's ok. You've got this.

I don't know what amount of talking to myself is going to convince me to tell her. Heck! I don't even know. What if I'm wrong? What if I change my mind later. What If I do like girls. Maybe I'm just going through something? I don't know I don't knOW ahhhHHhHHHHH!

After maybe kicking down my coat hanger and possibly throwing the sheets off my bed in rage, I managed to calm myself down to the best of my abilities and realize that I just need to get it over with. Just do it. So whether I like it or not, I make my way down the octochutes to the launch bay. 

Tweak is usually the last member of the crew to fall asleep, and just as I expected, she was still awake playing video games. I wanted to make sure it would just be me and her, I can't afford to mess this up. She seemed a little startled to see me.

"Oh, uh, hey Kwazii... what ya up to so late at night?"

"Aye Tweak, uhm, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about, if you don't mind, uhh-"

She seemed a little worried, "No, I don't mind at all. You look a little nervous, is everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine. Kinda. I just need to like, uhhh, get something off my chest. I don't really know why I feel most comfortable telling you about it but like, I just, uhhhh- "

"Look Kwazii, you can tell me anything, I'm here to listen. Don't stress too much. ow just take a deep breath and continue. It'll be ok, trust me."

Breathe Kwazii. Just breathe. You'll be fine, just like she said. 

"Phew, ok. So, uh, you know how, uhh, you're a lesbian? Like, you're a girl who likes other girls?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Well, uh, I was thinking how I, uhh, how I might be a boy who likes other boys, uhmm-"

"So you're saying you're, gay?"

Oh god she said it. She said the word. 


"Kwazii!" she grabbed my shoulders to stop me from running around, "Look at me, it's normal to be confused. It's normal to be scared. It's all normal. You're okay, you'll be ok. I've been through every last bit of what you're going through and trust me, it's not easy. Let yourself feel feelings, Kwazii. If you think you like guys, let yourself like guys. If you end up liking girls, lets yourself like girls. Heck, you might like both, and if that happens, let it happen." 

I thought about it a bit, I guess I'm kind of overreacting, aren't I. Just let it happen, Kwazii, let it happen. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I reply. I'm feeling a lot better about it now, and I think she caught on as well.

She smiled, "Sooooo... Kwazii, you got any crushes?" 

"No way! I would never....... well maybe."

Tweak's ears perked a little, she's having way too much fun with this. 

"So you know how me and Peso are best friends..."

'Awwwwwwwe! You have a little crush on Peso don't you! Look at you, you're blushing!" Somehow her excitement is rubbing off on me, this really isn't as bad as I though it'd be.

"Maybe," I smiled, "just maybe."

Best Mateys (Peso x Kwazii)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin