lower body

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Eye T went out to do some errands leaving Todoroki and Bakugo Laughing Because of the Electric toothbrushes that are taped on their armpits and nipples causing them to really laughing out loud.

Todoroki: Ahhhhh ahahahahahah how lohohong haahahaha ahhhhh does this last ? Ahhhhhh ahahahahaha i hahahaha wahahahahant it hahahahahah tooo ahahhhhhh ahahahaha sthahahahp!!!! Ahahahaha

Bakugo: I hahahahaah dont ahhhhhhh know ahahahahahah idiot hahahahaha ahhhhh!!!!! That bastard he is DEhahahahahaAD !!! Ahahahah once ahhhhhhahahahaha I get my ahahahhahaha hand on hiiiiiiiiiiiimmm!!!!!! Ahhhhhh ahahaha

   Then after it seems like they have been tickled for hours. Eye T finally returns and asks them.

Eye T: You have fun boys?

   While laughing the boys cant even say the words straight

Bakugo: tahahahahke this hahahahaha off ahhh ahhahaha youhahahahah BASTARD!!!!! Ahhhh hahahahahaha

Todoroki: Pleahahahahha please ahahahahahahahahah noooooo ahahahahaha morehahahahahaha

Eye T:  What? I can't Understand you guys. All I can hear is Please what please more ? You've read my mind Todoroki! Hahaha

Eye T went to both boys turning off and removing the electric toothbrushes from their body giving time for the boys to breathe. Which causes both boys to be suspicious if the tickling that they have just experience will be worse than on what they have just endured.

Then Eye T went to Todoroki first and he said.

Eye T: Since you have a more ticklish upperbody than Bakugo you first hahaha!

He extends his hands and squeezes todorokis thigh causing him to jolts and his leg back and screams in laughter.

Todoroki: Ahhhh ahahahahahahah nooooo pleahahahahahaha stahahbap hahahahahahahahaha stahahahp pleahahahaha

Eye T: hmm I wonder

He then went to Todorokis knees which made him screaming in laughter!

Todoroki: Ahhhhh noooo ahahahahha stahahahp hahahaha ahhhhh

Eye T: hmm its still not enough

He now grabbed a feather and tickled his belly button

Todoroki: ahhhh not aahhaha thahahahah feather ahhhh ahahahahahahah stahahap nowahahahahaha pleahahahah

He tickled todoroki for a good 20mins then he stopped and thinks of what to do next. Then suddenly he licks todorokis belly button making him shout in laughter.

Todoroki: ahhh nooo ahhahahaha keep your haaahahahja tongue ahhhhway hahahahahah

Eye T: where is that serious todoroki now ehh? Hahhaha

Now after a good 5 mins he let todoroki have a break and went towards Bakugo.

Eye T: If you saw what he went through I hope you're ready hehehe

Bakugo: Go ahead Bastard try me!

Eye T started squeezing bakugos thighs. Which he tried to hold his laughter but he got suprised that he instantly laugh out loud!

Bakugo: WHAHAHAHAHAT!!!!! Ahahahahah noooo how can hahahah I be so ticklish hahahahahah nooooo ahahhaha you BASTARD!!!! Hahahahahahaha

EYE T: ahhh Music to my ears hahahaha. You so ticklish because your weak!

He was so satisfied with bakugos laughter it took longer for eye t to tickle his thigh before his knees. Which he screams in laughter.

Bakugo: ahhahaha BASTARD !!!! Hahahahaha stay ahahahhaway from my ahahahha KNEHEHEHEES!!!! Hahahahahahahaha noooooo!!!!

Eye T tickled bakugo for a good 30 mins as he stopped bakugo was gasping for air.

Eye T: oh wow bakugo your legs are so ticklish hahahah this will be for later hahahah!!! You guys deserves a break!

Then suddenly the door opens and Midorya appears on the door looking towards bakugo and todoroki.

Will he save them from Eye T or Will he tickle them out of his mind? Stay tuned for more.

(Sorry for making this long I forgot my password here but will continue with this story I hope you enjoy it :) if you have any request for a guy anime character to be tickled pls dont hesitate to comment :) )

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