


nope don't remember.


"Uyey!" The small boy did a small celebration dance for his achievement.


"Huh?" Atsumu turned his head to his left where the source of voice came. To his surprise there is a group of boys playing volleyball at the small court. Though the net isn't that high but it suits their standard height, an amused look plastered on Atsumu's face as he watched the boys playing with full spirit. Some of them even got some skill, only need to be polish for them to play better.

He was engrossed watching the games and scream in amazement once in a while at their surprise attack that led to their score.

"Haru-chan! Go!" A quite tall setter with dark brown hair toss the ball towards the said spiker. Atsumu notice that the boy Haru is the smallest among them.

"HAIYAH!!" The boy Haru exclaimed while he put most of his forces on his palm and spike the ball with all his tiny hand might.


His other friends and even Atsumu had their jaw dropped at the fast sight.

But, with everything happen so fast the ball unfortunately hit outside the line and it bounce far due to friction on hard concrete heading towards someone's face.

"Haru, it's time—"

"Oh no!"

"Watch out!"


"Holy shit that was cool!" Atsumu jumped, laughing afterwards out of excitement but when he saw a woman was crouching down while holding her face.

ouch that must be hurt!

"Nee-chan! Are you okay?"

"Haru, you killed her!"

"Eh? Nee-chan please don't die. Haru is sorry." Haru cried carefully kneel down to check on her with concern look.

"Shit, 'Tsumu you look like a jerk for laughing right now." Atsumu slaps his face, trying to compose himself.

k so what do i do next?


"Daijoubou-ka?" Atsumu about to jog towards them but suddenly his phone vibrates.

The uglier twin
is calling you...

accept | decline

The uglier twin :
where ya at?

piss hair pig :
i'm on my way, duh

The uglier twin :
dun bullshit me
—hey what's that
crying sound

flowers ❥ atsumu miyaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя