The beginning Of The End

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Tick tock tick tock

The sound of the clock echoed in my head non stop.

"She still isn't talking, she refuses to"

"I'm worried about her, Stark"

Tick Tock tick tock

I'm lying down on a bed, and I have not responded to anyone. I can't. I can't accept that we lost.

It's been six days since I teleported them back to earth. And for a day, I was unconscious, two days later we found Thanos, the stones were gone and Thor killed him, and now it's day three of me staying silent, doing absolutely nothing since then. We lost.

I can't scream, I can't cry. I can't do anything.

Except to think about him.

He doesn't deserve this. Quentin is gone, half the universe is gone. And I blame it on me.

I will never be able to forgive myself. The one person I've ever fallen in love with, the one who gave me a second chance in life, is gone.

And I still can't accept it, I can't accept the reailty. I just fucking can't.

But we lost, the stones are gone, Thanos is dead. That son of a bitch got what he wanted.

What am I going to do?

Loki has been sitting in the room and refused to leave me. I make eye contact with him and as usual, I stay silent, not giving any reaction, not even blinking.

"You need to eat and get some energy (y/n)" He said, for the millionth amount of time, not giving up.

I refused to eat anything, except for drinking water.

Everything that happened affected me, a lot.

I completely shattered when Banner told me Quentin was gone too. And I didn't get so see him, I was billions of miles away from him.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself" He continued.

Foolish of him to think I can't. I don't deserve anything, I'm a failure.

"God (y/n), please just please talk to me, talk to us--"

"What is there to talk about?" I asked in a weak, monotonous voice, emotionless.

"You can't be doing this, blaming yourself? It's no ones fault, we were all unprepared for the threat. We will figure this out (y/n)" He looked at me.

I stayed silent. I wish I could listen to him, to understand that what happened, and to stop blaming myself. I'm a fool. I let terrible thoughts consume me, take over me.

He sighed. "I'm going to give you some time alone, I'm outside if you need me" He said in a defeated tone. "I'm not giving up on you"

Tick tock tick tock

Why does he care so much about how the hell I'm feeling? I always assume he was a selfish person who only thinks about himself. He's changed, turning into a better person.

While I'm here becoming worse.


Second book! This chapter is kinda short but don't worry I will try to make other chapters longer! So sit back, relax and enjoy this second book because it is going to be a rollercoaster ride.

Basically this book will be focusing on you coping with loosing Quentin, and to figure out a way to get him back, whatever it takes. There's going to be a lot of interaction with Natasha, Loki, Tony etc---

I will try my best to post new chapters frequently!! Anyways, I love you all!

Also, I am writing a new fanfiction!! It's The Falcon and Winter Soldier X  Reader book. Do check it out if you're free, and leave a vote and comment. I would really appreciate it! ILY all ❤❤

Mysterio X Reader //Part 2 The Endgame Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin