Chapter 18

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Jungkook's POV.

I look around not seeing Y/n. I frown seeing nothing but darkness.

"Y/n ?" I called out.

"Jungkook !!" I turned seeing Y/n. I frown seeing her all busted up.

"Y/n !" I shouted as I ran towards her. Suddenly a guy came from behind putting a knife on her neck.

"Welcome Jeon.." he said and he chuckled.

"Say goodbye sweetie .." he said and my eyes widened. He suddenly moved his hand and my eyes widened seeing blood gushing out of  Y/n's neck.

"Y/n !!"

I sat up and breathe hard. I looked around seeing that I was in my room. Sweat rolled down my forehead as I look around.

"Kookie ?" I turn seeing Y/n , beside me with a frown on her face.

"You okay ?" She asked as she rubbed my bag. I pulled her to my embrace as I hide my face on her neck.

"I was so scared .." I whispered against her neck.

"I am here .. I am here .." She said as she caress the back of my hair.

Y/n's POV.

I went to grab Jungkook a cup of water. I look at him as he sigh , staring at the table. I gave him the cup as he gulped down the water. I sat next to me as he sigh.

"Tell me , what happened ?" I asked as I held his hand.

"I got dream .." he said as he look at me.

"I lost you in the dream .. you died in front of my eyes .." he said and I frown.

"I couldn't help you .. I didn't protect you .." he said as he teared up.

"I am so scared to lose you .." he said as I sat on his lap. Tears rolled down his cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his neck , pulling him closer to me.

"I don't want to lose you baby ..." he said as he cried on my chest. I closed my eyes , caressing the back of his hair.

"I know .. I know .." I said as I sigh.

~ next day ~

"You promised you are going to be fine ?" He asked as he caress my cheek. I smiled and held his hand.

"I am gonna be fine Kook .. I am gonna be with Maria and Ethan. They are gonna take care of me." I said as he smile , pulling me to his embrace.

"I am gonna be back soon .." he said and I nodded , looking up to him.

"Be safe .. come back alive for me .." I said and he chuckled , nodding his head. 

"I love you .." I said as he smile slowly.

"I love you too .." he said as he peck my lips. I hug him one more time as he let go , walking to the car.

"Don't worry Miss Kim .. Sir will comeback soon." Said Ethan. I turned to him and smiled.

"It's no longer Miss Kim , It's Miss Jeon .." I said as I look at the car that was slowly driving away.

"Yes Miss Jeon .." He said as he bowed , going in.

Jungkook's POV.

We arrived at Gwangju where his guys will be at. I grabbed my gun as we walked towards a huge warehouse.

"Whatever it is. Kill them all. Leave the leader to me." I said and they all nodded. I kicked the door open revealing a group of men. I soon smirked seeing the leader.

"Well .. well .. well .. the little cowards .." I said as J smirk.

"How the fuck did you find us Jeon ?" Asked the leader.

"It's actually simple. Yall fuckers aren't that hard to find , right boys ?" I said as they all smirked.

"I warned you guys not to touch my girl but you did !" I said as I chuckle. I look up and glare at him.

"Now. You and your boys , are dead." I said as I ran towards him as the boys followed my lead. I punch him hard across the face making him fall back. He took a chair nearby , wanting to swing it towards me but I kicked the chair.

He then got up as he threw punches at me but I dodge it.

"Kook ! Watch out !" I turned seeing a guy running towards me with an axe. I took my gun , pulling the trigger as much as possible.

"Hoseok !" I shouted as I threw an extra guy at him. He caught it , shooting his target. I punch the leader hard on his stomach making him groan. Suddenly someone jumped on my back making me groan. I grabbed his arm , flipping him to the ground , kicking his stomach as RM-hyung came , shooting him. I look around for the leader and frown.

"Kook ! Gun !" I turn to Jimin who was trying to reach out the gun. I quickly slide my gun towards him making him grabbed it , shooting the men on his leg. Jin-hyung then came from behind , slicing his neck.

"Kook ! We got him !" Shouted Tae-hyung. I went towards him seeing the leader being held by Suga-hyung and Tae-hyung. I smirked as I grabbed my knife from my pocket. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my stomach making me groan.

"Kook !!" I dropped on the ground, holding my stomach as I look at my hand that was covered in blood.

Y/n's POV.

I look at the clock and sigh. Suddenly I heard a car pulled up making me stood up. I quickly went to the door and my eyes widened seeing Jungkook holding his stomach while Tae and Jimin helped in.

"Kook !" I said as I ran up to him. He groan as I touch his wound. My hand was already covered in blood as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Get him upstairs ! Now !" I said and they nodded , helping him upstairs.

- later -

I sigh as I fidget with my fingers. Soon I heard Jungkook screaming in pain making my tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Come on ! He is been screaming for about 30 minutes ! How long is it going to take ?!" Asked Jimin as he groan.

"Calm down Jimin .." said Jin.

"You guys were there ! Why didn't you protect Kook ?!" Said Hobi.

"Hobi , stop .." said RM.

"You are now blaming us ?!" Asked Tae.

"Yes ! Because you were there with Suga-hyung , one of you could have been on a look out !" He said.

"What about you guys huh ?! Where were you when we need backup ?!" Shouted Tae as he pointed to Jimin and Hobi. Tears kept streaming down as I closed my eyes.

"Guys , stop !" Said Jin as he tried breaking them up.

"So you are now blaming us ?! It's our fault now ?!" Shouted Jimin.

"Stop !" I shouted as I stood up.

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