Tess Stannous - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

Gromph nodded and followed with Gearfang while Jarlaxle remained on the couch, caught up in writing.

With some Drow poison from Gromph's pocket and a few hours of experimentation, Tess created two poison musket prototypes and Gromph was thoroughly impressed. Both returned inside: Gromph to tell Jarlaxle the good news and try to align on a price, and Tess to ask what Jenna and Aramys would be able to help with to speed the order along. Eventually, all five sat negotiating around the plain kitchen table while Gearfang rested his head on Tess' lap. After some respectful back-and-forth, an arms deal was reached for more gold than the household had seen in its entire lifetime in business. Jenna and Tess treated their new clients to a home-cooked lunch while Aramys retreated upstairs to work on something.

With lunch gone and the deal done, it was time for Gromph and Jarlaxle to head out. Gromph tucked a copy of the contract in his robes and gladly confirmed "We will be back in a month for our order and will send a messenger with half payment upfront in three days. No doubt these will be a huge asset in retaking Menzoberranzan. There has already been some exodus, and we must act fast if it is to be saved."

Unheard by anyone besides Gromph, Jarlaxle whispered "Half payment upfront, are you sure?"

"Wasn't this the same one who dried your pants unprompted?" Gromph whispered back wryly.

"Point taken. Your call" Jarlaxle begrudgingly agreed.

"Thank you for your support" Gromph stated for all to hear.

"Our pleasure, and thank you for your business. Will you be plane shifting from inside?" Tess wondered.

The afternoon sun was bright as always and Jarlaxle looked out the window, cringed and remarked "Well we're sure not going out in that."

Gromph took Jarlaxle's hand and was about to plane shift when Aramys raced down the stairs with what looked like a cat-sized black dragon on each shoulder.

Panting, she insisted "Please, wait! All clients get freebies."

Gromph and Jarlaxle looked visibly confused and Tess added "It's a custom up here – a small gift when we close a deal."

Both Drow shrugged. They had never heard of such a thing but weren't inclined to argue. Aramys tossed one over her head and it spread wings, neck and tail to support a dark fabric square in between. As she paced back and forth, it followed to hover a foot above her head.

Proudly, she explained "I call these sun dragons. They're a variation on an animated shield, and they should make it easier for you on the surface."

One landed on Jarlaxle's shoulder and he exclaimed "This is badass! Thank you!"

Hastily, he added "Just don't do that in Menzoberranzan – you will get eaten alive."

Aramys nodded and Gromph gladly took the other sun dragon onto his shoulder. With that, both Drow vanished.

*             *             *

The intervening months were a sea change, and Tess awoke with excitement and trepidation. It was delivery day, and Gromph had sent a set of House Baenre robes alongside the upfront payment for exactly this day. While Tess and Gearfang had focused most of their days and nights on the poison muskets, Jenna and Aramys alternated helping and practicing magic in the back yard: determined to never lose Tess again, both had learned to plane shift. The poison muskets were all packed in a large iron cart and Gearfang's tail swept the dew off the grass as he took a position near Tess at the front. She and Jenna put their goggles on, and Aramys asked "We're targeting just outside Menzoberranzan, correct?"

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