DaisyPen (Fluff)

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Requested by cotton__skii

Daisy walked around, trying to find the lake, Pearl pen wanted her there for some reason, was it about something bothering her? Did she wanna just chat? Either way, Daisy was both excited yet nervous.
There was always something special about Pearl pen, it made Daisy's heart race, she just wanted to protect Pearly at all costs

She continued walking, thinking about Pearl pen and what she wanted to say to her

Suddenly, she heard an all too familiar voice, a friendly familiar voice

"Daisy! You're here!"

Oh, Pearl pen, there she is

"Hi Pearl pen" Daisy's heart was beating, Pearly was just so adorable, how can she resist her? "You said you wanted to talk to me, is something wrong?" Daisy looked at her, hoping she wasn't saying something bad or something that could hurt Pearl pen

"Oh..w-well...eh.. just come with me, i don't want anyone to hear me" Pearl pen was visibly blushing, Daisy just got more curious and her heart beat got faster

"Uh..o-okay" she began following Pearl pen, she seemed to be going to the lake they were supposed to be

Pearl pen sat near the lake and Daisy sat next to her

"Well...oh, how do i say this!?" Pearl pen hugged her knees, she felt so anxious well...i...i may or may not...have a crush on you..im sorry, I'll just go no-"
Just as Pearl pen got up to leave, Daisy stopped her

"W-wait!" Daisy blushed, Pearl pen turned around, looking a tad surprised

"I...i have a crush on you too, you're just so cute and nice i just- i dunno..." Daisy blushed hard, Pearly smiled and hugged Daisy, Daisy hugged back

"So uh...should we..start dating? Sorry, I've never had much experience in relationships" Pearl pen akwardly giggled

"I wouldn't mind.." Daisy looked up "looks like it's gonna rain, let's go inside"

Pearl pen nodded, Daisy led her to her cabin whilst holding her hand. She didn't wanna let go. They entered and Daisy sat on the bed, Pearl pen sat beside her and hugged her, Daisy's heart raced, she wrapped a blanket around herself and Pearly, they laid down

"This feels nice.." Pearl pen muttered, blushing hard.

Daisy smiled as she gently kissed Pearl pen, Pearl pen looked up at her, she hesitated but kissed back, she felt a bit nervous yet good, it was her first time kissing someone before

"Aww, you're so cute!" Daisy cooed, she held Pearl pen close, Pearly started to cuddle a bit, trying to warm up, Daisy blushed as she cuddled back

Daisy felt warm and safe, as did Pearl pen, Pearl pen yawned as she fell asleep. Daisy looked at her and smiled, soon enough, she fell asleep too

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