A Change Of Plans

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Another couple of months passed by before the topic of children was brought up once again. In those months' things between Pha and Yo seemed to be running smoothly, it's as if that fight about children never happened at all. What Yo hadn't expected was for his husband to bring up the issue once again. They were in the lounge room watching a movie when Pha turned to face Yo "Look I know you wanted to wait a little more before we start our family but I was wondering if maybe we could at least start looking into our options so that when the time comes we will be prepared." Now Yo knew his husband all too well and even though his idea wasn't half bad he knew once they dug a little deeper Pha would get hooked and wouldn't stop until they had a little child to call their own. Pha's love for children was almost, if not more, as strong as the love he had for Yo.

Yo did't want to cause any more problems but he knew where this could lead, and he truly felt they weren't ready yet. "Pha I love you and someday we're going to have the family you've always dreamed of but right now we both need to focus on what's right in front of us. You have just been given a new proposal and have so extraordinarily little time at home, especially with your upcoming business trip. I've also got a lot on my plate as I've been asked to submit a project about living organisms and if it's good enough, I could win a place at oxford university. They have the best study program for my field and some of the best research facilities in the world. How are we going to have time to raise a child?" "Who said anything about getting a child? I just asked if we could explore our options, is that so hard to do? If we're informed about which paths, we can take then it would make our lives easier in the future."

Yo sighed "I know you Pha. Once we start looking into it, you'll end up wanting a child of your own and won't stop until you get what you want. You only have to wait another year or 2 and then we can spend all the time in the world planning out our family." Pha was not happy that Yo seemed to think his idea was stupid. Sure, he really wanted a family, but he wasn't going to go crazy if they just looked into their options, Yo was over exaggerating. "I can't believe you won't even consider it. I've done everything for you, and you can't even grant me this one request?" Before Yo could even respond Pha left the room and locked himself in the spare room for the rest of the evening.

Pha was so heartbroken the day his parents died in a car accident and promised himself that he would make sure he had the family his parents never could and that where ever they are they would be looking down on him with so much happiness as he was finally able to give them grandchildren. One of the main reasons Pha wanted to get a head start on his family is because he wanted to have a few kids, at least 5, and didn't want to be old and grey as he watched them grow up. The following morning the couple were no better off as they ate breakfast in silence. Just before he left for work Pha turned to face Yo "If you didn't want to have kids with me you should of been honest from the start and not strung me along for so long." Yo couldn't believe what he was hearing "You know I want to have kids with you Pha. I just feel we're not ready yet." "Could have fooled me" Pha scoffed before he headed out the door. Yo was left to wonder how this has escalated so fast and if there was any way to fix their relationship.

Pha had been so furious with Yo that he left home early and arrived to work 30 minutes before his normal start time. As he was walking to his office Pha noticed his new secretary, who was only temporarily filling in until they could find a more permanent replacement as she worked in a completely different department. The young woman was the same age as him, though slightly older by a few months, and was extremely attractive. She had silky brown hair, hazel eyes and a very slim figure. Her boobs were a very pleasing size as well as her ass. Most men in the office were drawn to her but the lady was happily engaged to her high school sweetheart. Pha had learned from when he interviewed the girl in his office that she had a very troubled childhood, her parents often left her alone and would treat her like crap. Her fiancee had saved her from her family and given her a life she never dreamed possible.

Looking at the beautiful woman as she worked gave Pha a marvelous idea. If Yo was not ready to start a family then he would start one of his own and this woman was the answer. Yo clearly knew how important having a family meant to him and yet kept denying him his request. Pha had no choice but to take the matters into his own hands. Like Yo had mentioned earlier he had an upcoming business trip that unfortunately, at least for Yo, was roughly 2 months long. May, his current secretary, was scheduled to come along as he needed someone to help him with some of the work. This would be the perfect time to get May to be his baby momma and help him start his family.

In the past Pha had never once thought to cheat on his husband and was only agreeing to his because his lover kept denying him the family he so desperately needed. In all honesty he wouldn't call this cheating as he wasn't in love with the girl and she was only ever going to be his baby momma. The trip was 1 week away so Pha had to figure out a way to get May to willing sleep with him over those 2 months. He could see how much she loved her fiancee, Aim, but he was sure he could lure her away for a few weeks.

By the end of the day Pha was excited for the upcoming trip, so much so that he was no longer angry with his husband. The moment he arrived home he went in search of Yo and upon finding the boy in their study he interrupted his husband. Yo turned and saw Pha standing in the doorway and decided to ignore him and focus on his work, still not happy with their fight yesterday/this morning. However, Pha wasn't having any of it and walked closer to his lover before he spoke "Yo I am truly sorry with how I behaved earlier. I know you love me just as much as I love you and I took some time to think and you were right. We're not ready to have a family yet and I want you to know that I won't try to pressure you anymore. When the time is right, we'll get our little family but until then I will always be by your side."

Yo wasn't sure if he should believe Pha but the boy seemed to be serious so Yo wrapped his arms around Pha's neck and kissed him softly. After the short kiss Yo broke away as he spoke "I'm sorry too. I hate us fighting like this." "Me too" Pha said before he reclaimed the kiss. Yo was so happy that he and Pha had made up. Sleeping alone was something he wasn't too fond of, though if he wins the place at Oxford, he will have to get used to it. The rest of the week Pha had spent all his free time with Yo, wanting his husband to know how much he loved him and that he was the most important person in his life.

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