Thug ???: Don't you dare talk to the boss like that little brat...

Boss ???: Easy... we're not through with him yet... now where is it?

The young boy slowly got up holding his gut in pain, he then spit some blood out of his mouth, he was in pain, but he stayed resilient.

(Y/N): As if I would ever tell you guys anything...

Boss ???: You got guts kid... that's why I took a liking to you... but... I don't take too kindly to being betrayed!!

The boss said walking towards the lad only to commence a one sided fight, with the young boy on the losing side. The sounds of flesh being beaten could be heard within the cold night in the Satellite, as the young boy tried to defend himself, but to no avail. Until eventually they found it, the prize they seek, they finally found the young's boys deck and with no hesitation took it away from the beaten boy.

Boss ???: Heheh so this is where you were hiding it you little brat...

Thug ???: Hou?! Boss take a look at this?! The brats got a lotta rare cards here?! I haven't even heard of some of these before!!

Thug ???: He's right and look?! He's got another copy of the super rare card the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Boss ???: Oh? You were holding back on us huh? You little brat...

The young boy laid there motionless, however when he saw that his deck was in their hands a endless fury come out from within him.


He shouted as he stood up slowly, feeling an aching pain from all over his body. Looking closer the young boy was even bleeding from his nose and mouth, yet despite that and the pain he felt he still stood up.

Thug ???: O-Oi... boss...

Thug ???: Y-yeah look at that kid....

Boss ???: I know... that's not the type of glare just any ordinary kid would give...

On the boys face one could see a look of pure rage, one so fierce that would leave people to wonder just what has this boy been through to make such a face.

Boss ???: Brats like you are the most problematic...

Thug ???: So what should we do with this brat boss?

Thug ???: We can rough him up a bit?

Boss ???: No...

His response shocked his lackeys as they looked at him kinda surprised. He then got a serious look on his face a he began to walk towards the boy.

Boss ???: Just look at him... left like this he'll hunt us down... and I'm not waiting until he becomes a threat to take care of him.

Thug ???: B-but boss... he's just a kid...

Boss ???: Wrong... no kid could ever have this much rage in them... he's nothing but a monster...

As extreme as the boss of the thugs was talking, he was correct. How could a child produce such a face of hatred, a look that showed his intentions to do whatever it took to complete his goal.

In that sense the young boy could be considered a monster...

And one to be eventually feared.

The thugs and their boss walked closer and closer to the young lad preparing to do an unspeakable act, meanwhile the boy was preparing to fight for his cards. The boss then decided to rush the young boy, while also pulling out a pocket knife readying himself to end this all...

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