Well, How Does Life Work Now?

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But she also knew she was being a little too dramatic. Unfortunately, every day she didn't hear from Arthur, which had been two months and four days, she felt like a little part of her heart was being chipped away and falling into the bottom of her stomach in regret. Why hadn't she been a poet? Maybe now she understand more of the greatest villains of all time's issues.

But Alex knew she had to feel good about Conner and Bree being together. They were meant to be together. She had known that they were going to get together from the moment she saw them interact at thirteen. She had known it from the way Conner had talked about Bree. It was the first time he had ever seriously been interested in another person. Someone interesting enough for him to be interested in. She had known it from the way Bree looked at Conner. It was the only time she ever thought the girl could show a serious emotion other than fear.

She had known it all along and now she was being sad about her own love life while her favorite ship was finally together. She knew she should be happy for them, and she was, but it was still hard to watch while they threw loving looks at one another passingly as if they could stay that way together. Alex knew from personal experience that the person you loved wouldn't always be there to give loving glances.

Oh boy, did she ever know that.


"You need anything, sis?" Conner asked as Alex pushed open his door. It was 10:00 and Alex's head peeked around the doorframe into Conner's room.

"Just a talk," she answered, slinking around the doorframe and into Conner's room, shutting the door behind her. She crossed the room over to him and sat down at the foot of his bed.

"Uh oh," Conner said. "I know that look. We're about to have some serious conversation about something deep and important, right?"

"You know me too well," Alex said with a smile that quickly disappeared as her gaze shifted to her lap. "It's about Arthur,"

Conner's eyes sharpened and he looked more awake than before. "What he'd do? I swear if he did something to you-"

"No, no, nothing like that," Alex said calmingly, placing a hand on her brother's arm. "I just haven't heard from him, that's all,"

"But didn't you ask him not to contact you?"

"Yes! But I didn't think he'd actually listen! He normally finds a way to get around the rules, but now it feels like he's not even trying," Alex said, deflated.

"Normally?" Conner asked suspiciously. "Where are your standards? What kind of guy are you dating, or not dating for that matter?"

"I have very high standards, thank you very much," Alex said proudly. "Arthur is a very nice, kind, respectful guy. He just likes to find ways around things for his advantages, sometimes, in certain situations, sometimes,"

"Normally situations including you?"

Alex blushed.

"I see your point though, though I don't know too much about this guy," Conner said, leaning forward to adjust his legs to Indian-style. "Tell me about what happened in Camelot. How'd you meet? How'd you fall in love?" he asked the last question teasingly, making Alex lightly slap his arm.

"Well, Mother Goose and I landed in Camelot and I wanted to search the place to see where we were. As I walking I came upon Arthur and Merlin..." Alex told the major plot points of the story, leaving out exactly how they met and the part of them kissing all night. She was going to tell him that part, but after seeing his face after she relayed the part were she kissed Arthur, she decided not to mention it after all.

In My Dreams || ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora