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My name is Carat , an ordinary highschool girl , 17 years old...

My life was filled with  boring things BUT there was a hope.....

That was the only thing which kept me alive.

Now , You ' ll think that I am lying , but it is the truth..

After losing my whole family from a car crash ,  when I was just in the middle school....Then getting betrayed by the person I loved most,
That hope was the only thing which left with me...

Do you know, what was that thing , which kept me living? ........ Can you guess ?

13 BOYS..... Now you will think, Oh my god!!! Is she a multiplayer? 13? Isn't it too much?

But they were with me when I'm having a hard time...

Actually who are they?

Hope????? My happy pills?????

Well you can say that they are everything to me...

'Everything' is just an ordinary word......
I can't describe them with that word...

Because I couldn't even imagine a life without them...

I don't know whether I can continue living in this world without them...

Yes , that's the reason.......

They are not my everything,


They gave me the strength to get up from the hell i was being....

So , This is the story of the Cinderella who had 13 princes...

Carat's Story 💎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz