Prolog, Chapter 1 and 2

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"We will return the magic!

All magicians should forget that they could ever use it! The exorcists and the Inquisition will stop looking for us. They will forget that witches and wizards ever existed. Never again should people have such power!"

When the master finished his speech, oblivion came over the land. A salutary oblivion that washed away all memories, all hatred, and all suspicion. Magic belonged once more only to nature. There were no magicians left. All humans were the same again, the best solution for a peaceful life.

You certainly remember the words of the master from when he returned magic to nature. Peace and harmony until the end of days. A very nice idea, right?

If you'd like to believe that this really was the end of Arah's adventures, then this book is better off back on the shelf.

But if you are brave, bold, and smart, then you do not believe that Arah's adventure ends so abruptly. And between you and me, you're right.

The master was convinced of the correctness of his actions, no doubt about it. He always had the best of intentions. But even though he could cast the most powerful spells a magician ever wielded, he had forgotten a crucial point in all his wisdom.

You have already know what it is: The magic comes from nature and nobody can give it back forever especially since it obviously has other things in mind...

We begin this adventure with far more knowledge about what has happened in the last months and years than the heroes of this story. So as not to spoil the fun, I ask you to keep the secret and don't tell anyone. We may accompany Arah, but we must keep what has happened secret. You are not just readers now, you are my associates and allies. Let's see how it all evolved after the rather sudden end of the last book.

I'm curious and I hope you are as well.

Chapter 1

Arah frowned as she tried to find the right words to describe her thoughts and feelings. The right words just did not want to come. Her not being able to express herself with words was very unusual and had never happened before. For days, something had been on her mind and now it was finally the time to speak to someone about it. It had to be someone she trusted and would not laugh at her. Nobody was better suited for this than her oldest and best confidant and friend, Elenor. Arah had known her ever since she could remember. Elenor had been employed in the pastor's household before Arah's birth. She was responsible for the cooking and the household but for Arah she was so much more, a friend and almost like an older sister.

So, on this rainy evening when this story begins, Arah and Elenor were sitting together on Arah's bed. The rain pattered against the window from outside and, as the heavy curtains were not completely closed, the bright moonlight penetrated the small room. On the bedside table, there were two cups of cocoa, almost cold and no longer steaming. As the girl talked, Elenor listened patiently, combing Arah's hair with a large, heavy wooden comb in the seemingly desperate attempt to solve each of the little tangles in it. Arah did not like the procedure and flinched quite often. However, she let Elenor do it, even though it was not helping her concentration.

Arah closed her eyes, hoping to be able to concentrate better. Why was this mysterious feeling so difficult to describe?

It happened when she and Phinn had been sitting in the grass, a pleasant smell of flowers surrounding them. The sun had warmed her face. Phinn had leaned over to her and... kissed her. It was Arah's very first kiss.

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