51 ; Confusion

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Present time | Oct 16, 2018
Minatozaki-Chou Residence
6:30 in the evening

I slowly parked my car inside the garage of my lovely estate that I share with my wife beside two of her other cars. I then went out of my black Mercedes Benz she had chosen and bought for me as her gift for our first wedding anniversary.

I walk to the connecting door of the garage to the kitchen of the house and the first thing I saw was my wife's shoes, backpack and some of her notes scattered on the floor just beside the entrance of the kitchen connecting to the hallway.

The next thing I saw was black and red as I descended down the hallway and into the large living room, looking for her in madness. She knew I hated it when she leaves her things everywhere and that she'll go crazy because she couldn't find them the next day.

There I saw Sunmi but Tzuyu was out of sight.

"Where the fuck is your stupid sister?!" I hissed, scanning the large cozy living room.

"Uh, hey Sana.."

"I said where the fuck is Tzuyu?!"

"She just got something from your bedroom, she'll be back soon.." She chuckled, taking a sip of her wine. I may have been shouting, but Sunmi knew well.

Not a minute later, Tzuyu entered the living room with papers in hand. "Miya, look at this. I was-" Tzuyu started, not knowing that I was with her sister.

"TZUYU CHOU!!" I shouted, making her stop dead in her tracks.

"You gonna get your ass whoop," Sunmi murmured towards Tzuyu, covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing.


"I haven't," she defended herself, averting her eyes away from mine. She only does that when she knew I had caught her.


"I'm sorry," she might mumbled, looking down in shame. "Won't happen again,"


Sunmi started laughing at Tzuyu's nervousness which cause Tzuyu to giggle but quickly stopping herself from it. My wife then cleared her throat, approaching me and wrapping her arms around my waist as she planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you," she mumbled on my skin. She knew saying these three words is one of my weaknesses that I would let her get pass through this.

I closed my eyes, before pushing her away and pouting. "Sleep outside tonight,"

"Wh.. what?! But babyyyy .." She whined.

It's not like I can sleep at night without her presence beside me.

I chuckled to myself, walking out of the living room and up the stairs. I then entered my bedroom that I share with my wife, sitting on the bed and bringing out a pen.


October 16, 2018

"Sana?" A very familiar and lively voice caught my attention, almost bumping into the person when I was about to enter the office of the university's vice president for academics.

I was excused in class five minutes ago due to some mishandled files by the university that I own and that they wanted to see me personally to talk about it.

"M... Momo? What a surprise," I said, super shocked that I bumped into her. "What are you doing here?"

She covered her mouth to compose herself. "Oh my gosh," she whispered. "How are you?" She added, grabbing both my hand tightly around hers.

"I'm doing great, I'm currently studying here,"

"Wow, look at you. You look even more beautiful," she complimented as she pulled me in a hug.

"Thanks, you too," I said, before we both pulled away from the hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I just did some paper works," she smiled. "Dad is one of the school's board members,"

What are the odds , I thought to myself. Seems like everywhere I go, the Chous are there too or has something to do with the place.

" Oh," I sighed. "That's cool,"

"It was so nice seeing you Sana," she said, pulling me in another comfortable hug that lasted for more than ten seconds before she pulled away. "I guess I'll see you around,"

She then started walking away just like what her sister did seven months ago.

"Wait, Momo?" I called out, loud enough for my voice to echo. She turned around with a smile on her, raising her eyebrow in question. "Do you.. do you know what happened to her when she disappeared?" I nervously and sadly asked her.

She slowly walk towards me, caressing my left arm with her right hand as she looked at my with sympathy. "Dad tried to reach for you when Tzuyu got back after two months of her disappearance. But we heard that you moved away and dad didn't have the guts to investigate your new whereabouts,"

"I.. I'm sorry," I sobbed out as a tear fall on my cheek.

"Dad respected your decision of cutting ties off," she sadly said.

"Momo.." My heart painfully swell. "I.. I didn't mean to run away,"

"You technically didn't, Sana. The contract expired the moment something happened between you and Tzuyu. And besides, she left first.."

"I was so hurt," I sniffled. "Is it okay to say that I am still hurting?"

She gave me a sad smile before patting my arm. "How about we talk this out with coffee? My treat," she offered.

I nodded. "But I won't be out of school 'til 5 o'clock,"

"I can wait, I'll text you the deets. We can have dinner if you'd like?"

"Sure, I can do that. But wait, you don't have my number," I slightly chuckled, wiping my cheek.

"Oh yeah," she whispered in realization. "We tried calling you, you never picked up,"

I frowned. "You did?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "She got drunk one night and tried calling you,"

And just like that, my heart clenched in pain. She tried contacting me.

"But," I gulped. "If I knew, I would have picked up. I left my phone in her penthouse when we got into a fight before,"

"Oh," she let out, nodding her head. "That explains why it just kept ringing. We thought you just really didn't want anything to do with us, or her for that matter,"

I looked down at the floor, loads of questions twirling around my mind.

"And if you were wondering why she didn't know your phone was in her penthouse was because she had been staying with either dad or me when she got back. She said her place was too empty, cold and depressing,"

"But when she got her place it was empty before," I said, confused.

"Not when every thing there reminds her of you," she pointed out.

"But I never even lived with her there,"

"She sees you in everything," she sadly smiled. "I should go," she sighed, giving me her phone before I grabbed it and typed in my new number. "We'll talk more about this later, okay?"

I gave her a small smile before breathing out. She then waved at me and left. I was then left alone on the hallway with nothing but pain in my chest.

I groaned, hitting my forehead with my palm. After all this time, I still want her.

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