Chapter 1: The Prologue

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It had seemed to be a normal day when you decided to download an app called Mystic Messenger. As soon as you downloaded it, you received a message from a stranger. Being curious, you decided to click on it and see what the person had said. All that they had texted was "hello." Normally, you would just ignore a text from a stranger, but this one felt different for some odd reason. This time you decided to respond back and sent the person a question mark.

The stranger ended up responding to your text by asking if you were able to see what they were sending. It seemed like an odd question due to the fact that you had responded to their first text. Despite that fact, you ended up telling them that yes you could see their text. They seemed happy about this fact and explained that nobody else in this messaging app had responded to their text.

The stranger told you that they had found a phone at the subway and they wanted you to go to an address that was stored on it. This seemed even more odd. You asked them why they couldn't just give the phone to the police or even the post office. They then explained that this may not seem like normal, but they want to do this for their religion. Their religion says that they should never miss the chance to perform a good deed, and that is why they would like to find the owner of this phone.

They go on to explain that they know the area where the address is located, and that it is a safe area of town. It seemed kind of fishy that they wanted you to go to a random stranger's apartment, but you decide to go to the address anyways. However, if something strange happens, you're leaving right away.

Eventually, you arrived at the owner's apartment. The stranger ended up sending you what seems to be the passcode to the door. You ended up inputting the passcode, and find that nobody is inside of the apartment. You then walked into the apartment, and before you could say anymore to the stranger they responded with a "thank you," and you were flung into a random group chat.

There were several people within this chat, and according to the top of the chat their names are Yoosung, Jumin Han, Zen, Jaehee Kang, and 707. They all seem to be friends as they were just talking about normal things. Yet, the ones named Zen and Jumin seemed to have something against each other.

It was a while before any of them had noticed that you had joined the chat. As soon as they did release this, though, all of them freaked out. They started accusing you of being some sort of hacker, and started asking you to reveal yourself. Out of everybody here you were the most confused as you don't know any of these people, so you asked them to reveal themselves first.

They started to send photos of themselves and then told you their names. Also it had turned out that 707 had tracked your location and that you were in an apartment that belonged to somebody named Rika. The members seemed to become flustered at the mention of this, and you explained to them that you too are flustered and had no idea who sent you to this place. They then inquired if this person had given you the passcode to the apartment, which you responded yes to.

The group continued to ask you questions like how you had gotten the messenger, which you had just got at the app store. They continued to seem worried about the person who had put you in the chatroom, and how you had been able to enter in the first place. They started to mention a person named V and how they had to tell him what was going on. This was confusing you even more, so you asked who V was. You had already been introduced to five people in a matter of a few minutes, and there was already a new person added to the mix?

They explained that V was kind of like their boss, and that they didn't want to reveal anymore until they were able to talk to him. However they didn't have any problem figuring more information about you. Shocked by this information, you asked if they were violating your privacy, and Seven responded to this by saying that he was a hacker.

After that whole ordeal, the person named V finally entered that chatroom. He had confirmed that you were Rika's apartment. He seemed confused by this fact as even he didn't know the passcode to it. It turned out that nobody in the chat had been there. He also insisted that nobody there should try to go to the apartment as there was classified information that was stored there.

Classified information? What in the world was this chatroom for? You ended up asking V about this and he said that you should refrain from touching anything in the apartment because the alarms could go off. Following this explanation he made for sure that none of the other members would try to find the apartment. Additionally, that classified information could cause trouble if it was in the wrong hands.

V continued to go on about this Rika person. He said that if the person that sent you here knew the password, it must have been somebody that Rika had trusted. The rest of the group couldn't believe that Rika possibly knew this unknown person, and had trusted them more than V. V went on to explain that there was a lot that even he had not known about Rika and that she had had her own little world. He then came to the conclusion that this person named Rika had wanted you to be at her apartment and do the work that she had previously done. That happened to be planning parties. V then also confirmed that you were safe, and now that you knew about the messenger that you were in the same boat as the rest of the group.

The name Rika had been brought up a lot, yet nobody had explained anything about her. Who in the world was she? The group seemed against telling you who she was at first. Jaehee also was still suspicious of you and your motives. V ended up reassuring her that you seemed safe at the moment, and that if it turned out that you weren't, it would be settled then.

You were still disoriented by all of this information so you asked them if they could explain what was going on. They finally let some details out and told you that Rika used to be V's girlfriend. She had also created an organization called the RFA which helped people through parties. Parties? They continued to explain that the six of them had joined the RFA to help Rika plan these parties. At them, different guests would be able to arrange deals with different guests.

However, they hadn't recently had a party because Rika had passed away a year and a half ago. The members hadn't been able to move on from her death, and none of them had felt like filling in her position. Now that you were here however, you could fill her position. In fact, V believed that you possibly could have been chosen by Rika. He then said that he had to leave and restated the fact that you shouldn't touch anything within the apartment because it wouldn't be good if the alarm ended up going off. Before finally logging off, he stated that everything you have to do for the party could be accessed through this app.

Seven informed you that this app was more than a basic messenger, and that all the emails for the party guest would be transferred here. You could also talk to an individual member through this app. Following this explanation, the members finally asked you if you would join the RFA. You had already learned so much and had spiraled down the rabbit hole, so why not? It could end up being a lot of fun. Seven had then registered you as an official member, and Yoosung said that if you had questions that you could ask him. The members then welcomed you to the organization, and they started to leave the chatroom.

This had been a crazy day. You had ended up joining an organization you barely knew anything about and had been introduced to several people within a short span of time. Now you also had the responsibility of planning a party for them. Additionally, you were staying in some dead girl's apartment. It was a lot to process, and you decided to set down your phone before anything else happened. You now knew that you were in for some sort of adventure no matter what happened. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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